Come all ye young fellows that handle a gun
Beware of night ramblin' by the setting of the sun
And be aware of an accident that happened of late
To young Molly Bán and sad was her fate
She was going to her uncle's when a shower came on
她动身前往叔父的家 而此时大雨倾盆淋在她身上
She went under a green bush the shower to shun
她不希望浑身湿透 而在翠绿的灌木丛中躲藏
Her white apron wrapped 'round her he took her for a swan
她洁白的围裙裹着她娇小的身体 但他却以为是一只美丽的天鹅在前方
But a hush and a sigh it was his only Molly Bán.
沉默中的一声悲鸣 那却是他的最爱 茉莉.邦
He quickly ran to her and saw that she was dead
他来不及思考就跑向她 但是看到的却是她的死亡
And there on her bosom many salt tears he shed
He ran home to his father with his gun in his hand
他跑向他家中的父亲 手里拿着那支的枪
Saying father, dear father, I have shot Molly Bán
不断忏悔: 父亲啊,敬爱的父亲,我竟开枪打中了茉莉.邦
Her white apron wrapped 'round her he took her for a swan
她洁白的围裙裹着她娇小的身体 但他却以为是一只纯洁的天鹅在前方
But a hush and a sigh it was his only Molly Bán
沉默中的一声悲鸣 那却是他的最爱 茉莉.邦
He roamed near the place where his true love was slain
那里就是他的真爱的坟场 他在附近徘徊徜徉
He wept bitter tears, but his tears were all in vain
他拭去他的泪水 但泪水却已无偿
As he looked on the lake, a swan glided by
他向湖中望去 一只洁白的天鹅在水面上滑翔
And the sun slowly sank in the grey of the sky
渐渐的 太阳沉入了灰蒙蒙的天的另一方
Beware of night ramblin' by the setting of the sun
And be aware of an accident that happened of late
To young Molly Bán and sad was her fate
She was going to her uncle's when a shower came on
她动身前往叔父的家 而此时大雨倾盆淋在她身上
She went under a green bush the shower to shun
她不希望浑身湿透 而在翠绿的灌木丛中躲藏
Her white apron wrapped 'round her he took her for a swan
她洁白的围裙裹着她娇小的身体 但他却以为是一只美丽的天鹅在前方
But a hush and a sigh it was his only Molly Bán.
沉默中的一声悲鸣 那却是他的最爱 茉莉.邦
He quickly ran to her and saw that she was dead
他来不及思考就跑向她 但是看到的却是她的死亡
And there on her bosom many salt tears he shed
He ran home to his father with his gun in his hand
他跑向他家中的父亲 手里拿着那支的枪
Saying father, dear father, I have shot Molly Bán
不断忏悔: 父亲啊,敬爱的父亲,我竟开枪打中了茉莉.邦
Her white apron wrapped 'round her he took her for a swan
她洁白的围裙裹着她娇小的身体 但他却以为是一只纯洁的天鹅在前方
But a hush and a sigh it was his only Molly Bán
沉默中的一声悲鸣 那却是他的最爱 茉莉.邦
He roamed near the place where his true love was slain
那里就是他的真爱的坟场 他在附近徘徊徜徉
He wept bitter tears, but his tears were all in vain
他拭去他的泪水 但泪水却已无偿
As he looked on the lake, a swan glided by
他向湖中望去 一只洁白的天鹅在水面上滑翔
And the sun slowly sank in the grey of the sky
渐渐的 太阳沉入了灰蒙蒙的天的另一方