1.Damper: Used to control flow volume.2. Duct Mounted Equipment: Smoke detectors, steam generators.3. Elbow: A bend or elbow type fitting.4. Entry: Point at which fluid enters the system: louvers, grills, grates.5. Exit: Point at which fluid leaves the system.6. Equipment: Generic equipment.7. Fan and System Interaction: AHUs, inline fans.8. Hood: Kitchen, lab or other exhaust hoods.9. Junction: Intersection of 3 or more segments (tee, cross, wye).10. Obstruction: Anything that causes a pressure drop, such as an inline filter.11. Transition: Shape or size change.12. Undefined: No specific functionality.13. Valve: Valves and similar accessories.14. Data Panel: Panels used to connect devices with connectors of System Type Data, Telephone, Security,Fire Alarm, Nurse Call, Controls, and Communication.15. Normal: Devices such as receptacles, fire alarm components, and light fixtures.16. Panelboard: Used to connect devices/equipment with connectors with a System Type value of Powerand to generate branch circuit type schedules.17. Switch: Control device such as a switch where wiring is typically not drawn through the devices. Asindicated in the image, the automatically generated wiring branches to the switch.18. Junction Box: Wire management devices through which wiring is generally drawn through the device.As indicated in the image, the automatically generated wiring branches through the junction box.