[NA] Character Creation Limitation (Aug. 24)Hello, this is FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Producer and Director, Yoshida.
The maximum expected population limit is nearing for each World, and unless the current World simultaneous connection amount decreases, we are unable to open release the limitation.
In case we do release the limitation, there is a high chance that the corresponding World will crash or cause issues, and we are thinking that it will be difficult for us to release it for a while. We please ask you to consider playing in a World that has a low limitation.
We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause and ask to continue with your cooperation.
于是偷偷召唤下,日服遗产服阿基斯(Aegis),环境还不错,港台华人玩家聚集地,天朝玩家倒是不知道有多少。进去之后大量50级玩家出没确实感觉有点异样,不过话说回来,我觉得反倒是好处,因为低级区人多怪少的情况大幅减少,而且老玩家多的话也不会太担心个把月后人口大量流失的问题……嘛,当然仁者见仁了。如果有在Aegis或者准备去这个服务器的玩家留下ID或者QQ联系一下吧~ 台湾巴哈姆特论坛那边有很多这个服的公会联系方式,可以参考。
The maximum expected population limit is nearing for each World, and unless the current World simultaneous connection amount decreases, we are unable to open release the limitation.
In case we do release the limitation, there is a high chance that the corresponding World will crash or cause issues, and we are thinking that it will be difficult for us to release it for a while. We please ask you to consider playing in a World that has a low limitation.
We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause and ask to continue with your cooperation.
于是偷偷召唤下,日服遗产服阿基斯(Aegis),环境还不错,港台华人玩家聚集地,天朝玩家倒是不知道有多少。进去之后大量50级玩家出没确实感觉有点异样,不过话说回来,我觉得反倒是好处,因为低级区人多怪少的情况大幅减少,而且老玩家多的话也不会太担心个把月后人口大量流失的问题……嘛,当然仁者见仁了。如果有在Aegis或者准备去这个服务器的玩家留下ID或者QQ联系一下吧~ 台湾巴哈姆特论坛那边有很多这个服的公会联系方式,可以参考。