楼主,又看见你在上网了。你怎麼总在网上呀,你的学习任务完成了吗?你父母不为你著急吗? 如果你是中学生,你应该为你父母想一想,父母养育你不容易,你不完成学习任务就上网,你父母和老师会为你担心的.你万万不能被计算机和网络给害了!你应当快快走出来!投入到学习中去! 如果你是大学生,你就该多多为自已著想啊,现在社会竞争压力这麼大,你要是不努力提高自已的知识文化素养,不努力增强自已的专业技能,以后你在社会上要怎麼立足啊,你切记一定不要沉迷於网络啊,赶快从虚拟世界中走出来,面向太阳,拥抱未来啊! 如果你已经大学毕业了,那你就更加不能天天在网络的虚拟世界里麻痹自已啊,你要努力工作,加紧赚钱,买房买车,养老婆父母孩子啊...你千万不要自暴自弃啊,要学会在现实生活中独立自主,自信坚定地生活下去.不要再在网络里面欺骗自已了,大胆地抛弃电脑,向社会说我来了! 你如果有什麼想不通的问题可以告诉我。我帮你解决. LZ, do you see in the Internet. The total on-line you how you, your mission to learn it? Your parents do not worry you? If you are a middle school, you should think about your parents, yourparents bring up is not easy, you do not complete the task of learningon the Internet, you will be for parents and teachers worried aboutyou. You must not be harmful to computers and the Internet! You shouldcome out as soon as possible! Into the study to! If you are a university student, on your own for the sake of more, ah,now so much pressure on the playing field, if you have done little