楼上写得很好啊。新闻首先是戴镣铐的,哪个国家都一样。但是记者这个行业又是自由的,能去很多地方,见不同的人,听到很多的故事;这种生活是有激情的。反正我真心热爱新闻这个行业。而且学新闻的话在美国受到的教育是很系统的,除了记者还有很多就业选择。中国就算了,由于体制问题,而且还有国民性作崇。新闻还培养一种觉悟。记者的洞察力是胜负手,你需要从瞬间的背后发现永恒的东西。Will在剧中还说呢, I know things, it's more of a burden actually
i used to work in tv newsroom .....most of time is extremely boring ...especially covering politics ....the reporter being treat in china is no better than jims substitute travel . you get little money,insincere respect ...the worst part , theres no competitors like jim whom would dare to stand out really fighting for something worth to report . its like u discard everything for chasing ur dream of fighting for justice or truth in a news room , and then only find bubbles there ....