最近,一个新的 WORM_SDBOT 变种 WORM_SDBOT.EXT 正透过 MSN 散播,它利用「来看我可爱的小狗狗、看我小时候的照片、看我的新发型…」等信息来吸引过客,旦你下载压缩文件到系统后,会使系统出现后门,下载更多恶意程序。大家千万要注意。下面是这个病毒的提示词和截图。喜欢挂网的朋友们要学习一下了,遇到这些问题不要轻易的回答和点击。
* check it, i shaved my head
* have u seen my new hair?
* hey man, did you take this picture?
* I just took this picture with my webcam, like it?
* look @ my cute new puppy :-D
* look @ this picture of me, when I was a kid
* what the fuck, did you see this?
* check it, i shaved my head
* have u seen my new hair?
* hey man, did you take this picture?
* I just took this picture with my webcam, like it?
* look @ my cute new puppy :-D
* look @ this picture of me, when I was a kid
* what the fuck, did you see this?