接下来是搞笑时间 写了几句关于SHERLOCK的三行诗,各种有趣~ 第八首 Sherlock三行诗系列 【福华搞笑SW】 John ? Oh shit ,John ! O…oo…oh……Jo…John…… (看懂了么?纯洁请屏蔽) 【福艾伤感SA】 “Goodbye ,Mr.Holmes .” I will never let you go . “When I say run ,run ! (这个要熟悉台词与剧情才能懂,无论如何我就是福艾党了) 【福莫邪恶SM】 “It's raining ,it's pouring ,Sherlock is boring --” "If I'm boring ,then how did you fall in love with me ?" "If you're not boring ,I won't make love with you then ." 【福洁温馨(洁琳姓什么我忘了…)】 “The mess you've made ,Sherly! ” "What ?" "How dare you put those bloody stuff in my bra ?!"