The first batch is still being sent out, and we'll be sure to update the page once we're done with that. More on the way today, we'll be sure to give you a fair heads' up 35k那波看来要等会了。。。
Later on this evening we'll release another batch, and we'll have more keys to distribute in the days ahead up through October 4th. 洗洗睡吧, evening才发,现在才13:40美国时间
是的,35k那波不知道达到之后说算不算,因为他说了一句 Dang you all are fast!! Okay, we've got the first 100, but it's going to take us through the next hour to distribute these as we're doing this the ol' fashioned way. We'll update the page later today when we have our next batch! 没用的的省略 We'll update the page later today when we have our next batch! 这句,意思是说他们第一个100个发完之后没有马了,要去准备,准备好了估计会发公告,到时可能才算
We saw somewhere that someone didn't want a puzzle, so we won't be doing that. We also saw that some folks wanted the open Beta, but since that's not out yet... that really only leaves us with one option: I guess we're going to have to give out some Beta keys for Hearthstone! Please stay tuned here, we've got a few things to wrap up and post on the page before we get this started. See you in just a bit! 我日,竟然这个帖子被编辑了n次,直接无语了