年纪最大也最nice的蜀黍,Paavo Lötjönen![](http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=7bdf0bcf83cb39dbc1c0675ee01609a7/2d3019d8bc3eb13595e1d89ea41ea8d3fd1f44af.jpg)
Paavo Lötjönen (born 29 July 1968) Paavo comes from a family where both of his parents were professional musicians. At the age of 6, he took a cello and decided that would be the instrument he would play all his life. Like fellow band members Perttu Kivilaakso and Eicca Toppinen he attended Sibelius Academy in Helsinki.
Paavo Lötjönen(出生于1968年7月29日) Pavvo出生于一个音乐家庭,他的父母都是职业音乐人。在6岁时他就为自己的音乐生涯选择了大提琴。同乐队伙伴Perttu Kivilaasko和Eicca Toppinen一样,Pavvo毕业于Sibelius Academy。20 years later, Paavo got his "Solist Cellist" diploma at the Sibelius Academy and shortly after began to work as a cello teacher in music schools. He played in the "Finnish National Opera" as well.
26岁时Pavvo获得了大提琴独奏的证书并开始在音乐学校任教,同时也在Finnish National Opera演奏。Apart from his work with Apocalyptica he is a cello teacher and a skiing instructor. He also enjoys parachute-diving, windsurfing and water skiing.
除了作为Apocalyptica的一员,Pavvo同时还是一位大提琴教师和滑雪教练。Pavvo也喜欢跳伞,风帆冲浪和滑水。Lötjönen is married to a lawyer and has three children, sons Okko (born 2003) and Aki (born 2006) and daughter Anna (born 2007).
Pavvo的妻子是一位律师,他们有三个孩子,大儿子Okko(2003),二儿子Aki(2006)和女儿Anna(2007)。Pavvo的乐器装备:大提琴:Gulbrandt Enger cello,1882年产
琴弓: R. Wainio bow.