我们都是被遗忘的神吧 关注:143贴子:4,630




1楼2013-09-09 14:02回复

    在海地,巫毒信仰为两大官方信仰之一,因为被法国殖民过的关系,另一个官方信仰则是天主教,一个海地人可能会说,80% 的海地人信仰天主教,而100% 的海地人追随巫毒信仰。
    伏都教又译“巫毒教”,是目前最为人熟悉的非洲信仰。根源于非洲,现已经传播非洲以外地区和西方世界,同样地也发生了融合主义的现象。Voodoo 一词来自达荷美共和国(Dahomey)的语言 vodu,意指众神(gods)。流行于西起加纳东迄尼日利亚的西非诸国,信仰的民族有芳族、约努巴族等,也盛行于海地与加勒比海,美国南部路易斯安那州及南美州。

    2楼2013-09-09 14:12


      3楼2013-09-09 14:21

        巫毒除了深具民族宗教色彩,现代巫毒的提倡又添上了政治意味。在非洲、拉美人民被西方殖民地国奴役之时,巫毐信仰遭到严格禁止,而例如在海地对法国殖民的推翻过程当中,巫毒在民族意识的凝聚上扮演了极其重要的角色。除了历史政治的破坏,巫毒面临的另一个重大威胁就是西方媒体所塑造出来的极为负面的刻板印象,例如使用诅咒用的小人形、招揽「恶灵」、恐怖的夜间仪式,或是丑化的活体献祭仪式。 但是有些人却不这么认为,因为巫毒术中有许多关于守护、治疗、恋爱等正面的法术,便有了运用精巧的手工发展出的一系列涵以及名称各异的主体巫毒娃娃。

        4楼2013-09-09 14:25

          从非洲到海地再到美国,在这个传播历程当中,Voodoo 一词也出现了 Hoodoo 的别名,说是别名,但却不能被划上等号,就好比当我们现在讲到佛教时,我们会先说明是印度佛教、南传佛教、藏传佛教或是中国佛教一样,Hoodoo 一词内涵了各处的本土性或差异性。例如,在新奥尔良,巫毒信仰的活动是十分个人化和隐私化的,而在海地则有很多公众的活动。另外,在内涵上,Hoodoo 一词偏重法术(magic)成份,如符、咒、护身符和人形偶的使用。
          巫毒除了深具民族色彩,现代巫毒的提倡又添上了政治意味。在非洲人民被西方殖民地国 奴役之时,巫毐信仰遭到严格禁止,而例如在海地对法国殖民的推翻过程当中,巫毒在民族意识的凝聚上扮演了极其重要的角色。除了历史政治的破坏,巫毒面临的 另一个重大威胁就是西方媒体所塑造出来的极为负面的刻板印象,例如使用诅咒用的小人形、招揽「恶灵」、恐怖的夜间仪式,或是丑化的活体献际仪式。
          海地是全球第一个黑人共和国,也是美洲新大陆第二个独立国,在1804年1月1日宣布独立,最早是哥伦布发现今日海地国家的所在,而当时哥伦布将它命名为艾斯盆纽拉岛。现在的海地岛为许多人所知,是因为这里有一种诡异的宗教—— 伏都教。“ 织梦内容管理系统
          巫毒” (Voodoo),原意是“精灵”的意思。它原来是流行于西非加纳等地的一种神秘宗教。16世纪时,海地沦为法国殖民地,法国的白人殖民者把大量非洲黑奴贩卖到海地的同时,也把流行于非洲的原始宗教带到了海地,后来这些非洲黑奴将罗马天主教许多繁杂的宗教仪式与当地土教混合,便形成了神秘、诡异、令人恐怖的伏都教。
          伏都教教义认为:现存的天下万物,都不过是一种表象,背后还有更重要的灵魂力量在活动。这个灵魂世界的首领是个名叫力格巴的神,他是人与幽灵的媒介,其他还有蛇神等。巫师和术士则是人与神的媒介。在伏都教的繁杂仪式中,拜祭时要向这些神抵祷告,求神帮助。伏都教中那些 稀奇古怪的午夜祭礼仪式,一般都是在丛林深处的庙宇里举行。仪式首先是大祭司祷告、念咒和奠酒,然后在地上画些灵符祭神,最后是进行唱歌、击鼓和跳舞等其他活动。

          5楼2013-09-09 14:33


            6楼2013-09-09 14:37

              2001年,美国联邦官员偶然截获了一个由日本寄往美国一家私人住宅的可疑包裹,里面藏有几只装有白色晶体粉末的玻璃瓶。起初,联邦官员极为兴奋,他们以为查获了一批海洛因。但现场的初步鉴定表明,这并不是毒品。为谨慎起见,联邦官员将样品送到了加利福尼亚州劳伦斯•利沃莫尔国家实验室,请那里的专家对样品进行鉴定。结果令人震惊,这种粉末原来是世界上最致命的毒药之一—— 河豚毒素,英文缩写为TTX,而1克河豚毒素的毒性是1克氰化物的10000倍。

              7楼2013-09-09 14:42


                在仪式中,恩贡(祭司),曼柏(女祭司)和波哥(巫师)会召唤洛阿神,接受侍奉和贡品,并且满足人们的需求。洛阿神以附身的形式现身。有时被驾驭者会出现被鞭策或抽搐等现象。然而另一些洛阿神(如阿伊杉)则会悄无声息地现身。 内容来自dedecms

                9楼2013-09-09 14:51

                  Origins of Voodoo
                    Voodoo is a derivative of the world's oldest known religions which have been around in Africa since the beginning of human civilization. Some conservative estimates these civilizations and religions to be over 10 000 years old. This then identify Voodoo as probably the best example of African syncretism in the Americas. Although its essential wisdom originated in different parts of Africa long before the Europeans started the slave trade, the structure of Voodoo, as we know it today, was born in Haiti during the European colonization of Hispaniola. Ironically, it was the enforced immigration of enslaved African from different ethnic groups that provided the circumstances for the development of Voodoo. European colonists thought that by desolating the ethnic groups, these could not come together as a community. However, in the misery of slavery, the transplanted Africans found in their faith a common thread.
                    They began to invoke not only their own Gods, but to practice rites other than their own. In this process, they comingled and modified rituals of various ethnic groups. The result of such fusion was that the different religious groups integrated their beliefs, thereby creating a new religion: Voodoo. The word "voodoo" comes from the West African word "vodun," meaning spirit. This Afro-Caribbean religion mixed practices from many African ethnics groups such as the Fon, the Nago, the Ibos, Dahomeans, Congos, Senegalese, Haussars, Caplaous, Mondungues, Mandinge, Angolese, Libyans, Ethiopians, and the Malgaches.

                  10楼2013-09-09 14:54
                    The Essence of Voodoo
                      Within the voodoo society, there are no accidents. Practitioners believe that nothing and no event has a life of its own. That is why "vous deux", you two, you too. The universe is all one. Each thing affects something else. Scientists know that. Nature knows it. Many spiritualists agree that we are not separate, we all serve as parts of One. So, in essence, what you do unto another, you do unto you, because you ARE the other. Voo doo. View you. We are mirrors of each others souls. God is manifest through the spirits of ancestors who can bring good or harm and must be honored in ceremonies. There is a sacred cycle between the living and the dead. Believers ask for their misery to end. Rituals include prayers, drumming, dancing, singing and animal sacrifice.
                      The serpent figures heavily in the Voodoo faith. The word Voodoo has been translated as "the snake under whose auspices gather all who share the faith". The high priest and/or priestess of the faith (often called Papa or Maman) are the vehicles for the expression of the serpent's power. The supreme deity is Bon Dieu. There are hundreds of spirits called Loa who control nature, health, wealth and happiness of mortals. The Loa form a pantheon of deities that include Damballah, Ezili, Ogu, Agwe, Legba and others. During Voodoo ceremonies these Loa can possess the bodies of the ceremony participants. Loa appear by "possessing" the faithful, who in turn become the Loa, relaying advice, warnings and desires. Voodoo is an animist faith. That is, objects and natural phenomena are believed to possess holy significance, to possess a soul. Thus the Loa Agwe is the divine presence behind the hurricane.
                      Music and dance are key elements to Voodoo ceremonies. Ceremonies were often termed by whites "Night Dancing" or "Voodoo Dancing". This dancing is not simply a prelude to sexual frenzy, as it has often been portrayed. The dance is an expression of spirituality, of connection with divinity and the spirit world.
                      Voodoo is a practical religion, playing an important role in the family and the community. One's ancestors, for instance, are believed to be a part of the world of the spirits, of the Loas, and this is one way that Voodoo serves to root its participants in their own history and tradition. Another practical aspect of Voodoo ceremonies is that participants often come before the priest or priestess to seek advice, spiritual guidance, or help with their problems. The priest or priestess then, through divine aid, offer help such as healing through the use of herbs or medicines (using knowledge that has been passed down within the religion itself), or healing through faith itself as is common in other religions. Voodoo teaches a respect for the natural world.
                      Unfortunately, the public's perception of voodoo rites and rituals seems often to point to the evil or malicious side of things. There are healing spells, nature spells, love spells, purification spells, joyous celebration spells. Spirits may be invoked to bring harmony and peace, birth and rebirth, increased abundance of luck, material happiness, renewed health.The fact is, for those who believe it, voodoo is powerful. It is also empowering to the person who practices it.

                    11楼2013-09-09 14:54
                      Voodoo and its fight to survive.
                        Despite Voodoo's noble status as one of the worlds oldest religions, it has been typically characterized as barbaric, primitive, sexually licentious practice based on superstition and spectacle. Much of this image however, is due to a concerted effort by Europeans, who have a massive fear of anything African, to suppress and distort a legitimate and unique religion that flourished among their enslaved Africans. When slavers brought these peoples across the ocean to the Americas, the African's brought their religion with them. However, since slavery included stripping the slaves of their language, culture, and heritage, this religion had to take some different forms. It had to be practiced in secret, since in some places it was punishable by death, and it had to adapt to the loss of their African languages. In order to survive, Voodoo also adopted many elements of Christianity. When the French who were the colonizers of Haiti, realized that the religion of the Africans was a threat to the colonial system, they prohibited all African religion practices and severely punished the practitioners of Voodoo with imprisonment, lashings and hangings. This religious struggle continued for three centuries, but none of the punishments could extinguished the faith of the Africans. This process of acculturation helped Voodoo to grow under harsh cultural conditions in many areas of the Americas.
                        Voodoo survives as a legitimate religion in a number of areas of the world, Brazil where it is called "Candomblé" and the English speaking Caribbean where it is called 揙beah? The Ewe people of southern Togo and southeastern Ghana -- two countries in West Africa -- are devout believers. In most of the United States however, white slavers were successful in stripping slaves of their Voodoo traditions and beliefs. Thus Voodoo is, for most African Americans, yet another part of their heritage that they can only try to re-discover.

                      12楼2013-09-09 14:54
                        The Power of Voodoo
                          The strength that the Africans in Haiti gained from their religion was so strong and powerful, that they were able to survive the cruel persecution of the French rulers against Voodoo. It was in the midst of this struggle that the revolution was conspired. The Voodoo priests consulted their oracle and learned how the political battle would have to be fought in order for them to be victorious. The revolution exploded in 1791 with a Petr?ritual and continued until 1804 when the Haitians finally won independence. Today the system of Voodoo reflects its history. We can see the African ethnic mixture in the names of different rites and in the pantheon of Gods or Loas, which is composed of deities from all parts of Africa.

                        13楼2013-09-09 14:55
                           Haiti's government officially sanctioned voodoo as a religion
                            Thursday April 10, 2003.
                            Haiti's government has officially sanctioned voodoo as a religion, allowing practitioners to begin performing ceremonies from baptisms to marriages with legal authority.
                            Many who practice voodoo praised the move, but said much remains to be done to make up for centuries of ridicule and persecution in the Caribbean country and abroad.
                            Voodoo priest Philippe Castera said he hopes the government's decree is more than an effort to win popularity amid economic and political troubles.
                            "In spite of our contribution to Haitian culture, we are still misunderstood and despised," said Castera, 48.
                            In an executive decree issued last week, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide invited voodoo adherents and organizations to register with the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
                            After swearing an oath before a civil judge, practitioners will be able to legally conduct ceremonies such as marriages and baptisms, the decree said.
                            Aristide, a former Roman Catholic priest, has said he recognizes voodoo as a religion like any other, and a voodoo priestess bestowed a presidential sash on him at his first inauguration in 1991.
                            "An ancestral religion, voodoo is an essential part of national identity," and its institutions "represent a considerable portion" of Haiti's 8.3 million people, Aristide said in the decree.
                            Voodoo practitioners believe in a supreme God and spirits who link the human with the divine. The spirits are summoned by offerings that include everything from rum to roosters.
                            Though permitted by Haiti's 1987 constitution, which recognizes religious equality, many books and films have sensationalized voodoo as black magic based on animal and human sacrifices to summon zombies and evil spirits.
                            "It will take more than a government decree to undo all that malevolence," Castera said, and suggested that construction of a central voodoo temple would "turn good words into a good deed."
                            There are no reliable statistics on the number of adherents, but millions in Haiti place faith in voodoo. The religion evolved from West African beliefs and developed further among slaves in the Caribbean who adopted elements of Catholicism.
                            Voodoo is an inseparable part of Haitian art, literature, music and film. Hymns are played on the radio and voodoo ceremonies are broadcast on television along with Christian services.
                            But for centuries voodoo has been looked down upon as little more than superstition, and at times has been the victim of ferocious persecution. A campaign led by the Catholic church in the 1940s led to the destruction of temples and sacred objects.
                            In 1986, following the fall of Jean-Claude Duvalier's dictatorship, hundreds of voodoo practitioners were killed on the pretext that they had been accomplices to Duvalier's abuses.

                          14楼2013-09-09 14:55

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