topic one: Happiness 1. Define happiness. Is it a feeling, a state of being, a decision? Is happiness something that comes and goes with changing circumstances or something you can always have? 2. What things in life and the world make you happy? Why do those things make you happy? What things take away your happiness? 3. Complete the sentence: “I would be completely happy if…” 4. Are you the kind of person who actively tries to achieve or obtain the things you think will make you happy or are you more the kind of person who tries to accept your situation as it is and learn to be happy in it? Do you think it’s better to be resigned to your fate or try to change it?
topic two: Gifts What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten? What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone else? Why was it special? There’s a saying that goes, “It’s better to give than to receive.” What does this saying mean? Do you agree with it? Does China have any sayings about giving gifts? If you were given $1 million to buy gifts for your family and friends, what would you buy them and why?