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QTranslate 是一个轻量级的免费电子词典,经过集成各大在线翻译引擎完成快捷的实时翻译。QTranslate 协助你十分好有利地势用在线翻译东西,当前撑持 Babylon、Definr、Google Search、Google Translate、ImTranslator、Microsoft Translator、Multitran、Promt、Reverso、SDL、Wikipedia、WordReference、Yandex、有道翻译等翻译引擎或信息效劳。
发动 QTranslate 后,默许装备下,鼠标选中恣意文本,连点两下 Ctrl 即可激活主窗口并翻译选中的文本,或许经过 Ctrl+Q 弹出小窗口直接显现翻译成果、Ctrl+W 则显现网络查找成果。
启用即时翻译形式后,在恣意程序中挑选文字,则主动弹出 QTranslate 图标,点击图标即可检查翻译成果,QTranslate 会主动检测源文本言语格局。
运用说明:现已做成绿色便携版,直接运转 QTranslate.exe 即可,2013/8/4 更新版别为 QTranslate 5.1.0,主动显现简体中文界面。
自己十分喜爱 QTranslate,软件细巧精悍、速度流通,能疾速给出翻译成果,曾经运用的灵格斯词霸还有有道词典感受是越来越臃肿、运转功率越来越低了,不过近来的金山词霸 2012还不错。QTranslate 立足于在线翻译并做到极致操作体会,尽管运用时有必要联网,但已适用于大多数状况了。
值得一提的是,QTranslate 还供给了世界字符软键盘,可以轻松输入各国言语,格外当你不方便或许懒得装置新的输入法时,这个小功用尤为有用。

IP属地:北京1楼2013-09-14 11:28回复
    QTranslate is a free translator for Windows. With this small utility, you simply select the text you want to translate and then press hot key (Ctrl+Q to show translation in the popup window or Double Ctrl click to show the translation in the main window).
    QTranslate 5.1.1 更新日志:
    New: ‘Auto-detect proxy settings’ option for proxy
    New: ‘Auto-cleanup of translation’ option in the main window
    New: Show history window, Show keyboard window, and Switch mouse mode hot keys
    New: Brazilian Portugese localization
    New: Improved ABBYY Lingvo dictionary service
    New: Abiblity to change font family
    New: Double click in the top/bottom part of the main window toggles the panes
    New: Application is always minimized to the system tray on system startup
    New: Ability to change main window startup action
    New: Yandex API spell checker is used (only English and Russian languages) instead of Google API
    Fixed: Changing the translated text doesn’t translate text to the back translation
    Fixed: Double click on the header in popup window doesn’t open main window with the translation results
    Fixed: Left mouse button click on the button of a service doesn’t run translation
    Fixed: Main window is not closed on the Escape if none of rich edits have focus
    Fixed: Attempt to run multiple instances of the application causes crash of the application
    Fixed: Page Up/Page Down/Home/Arrows hot keys are shown as Num 3, Num 7 and etc.

    IP属地:北京2楼2013-09-14 11:28