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Lexical phrases
l Every word has its own grammar. …‘knowing a word’ involves knowing its grammar --- the patterns in which it is regularly used. (Lewis)
l Language is not words and grammar; it is essentially lexical. (qtd. in Coady 235)
l Language consists of gramaticalised lexis, not lexicalized grammar. (qtd. in Coady 17)
Individual words often appear together on a regular basis. For example, native speakers of English when confronted with an economics article and see the word underdeveloped might predict that the next word will be nation or country. In other words, the choice of the next word is quite narrow. Other collocations, such as broad daylight, green with envy, and deep sigh are common in language and are often processed as single units. … Learners have to learn these multiword units as wholes.
Gass, S. and L. Selinker. 2008. Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course (3rd edition). Routledge. p459.
In some ways, the most uncompromising position was taken by Bolinger (1975) who proposed that language itself is much more memory-based than has been generally considered. He suggested that much of language consists of lexical elements, and that, on occasion, these may not even be easily descried by rues. He gave the example of expressions with ‘else’, like ‘somewhere else’, ‘somebody else’, but not ‘*sometime else’. Pawley and Syder (1983) similarly give the examples of ‘horror’, ‘horrid’, ‘horrify’; ‘terror’, * ‘terrid’, ‘terrify’; ‘candour’, ‘candid’, * ‘cadify’. All the examples cry out for completion of a rule-based system, and consistency, but this expectation is unfulfilled. Both Bolinger and Pawley and Sydwer use such examples to argue that a rule-based approach to language is an imposition of the linguist, and may not always be justified.
Bolinger, particularly, argued that the rule-governed basis of language itself may have been over emphasized, and that, in reality, instances of language use are much more based on lexical elements, of varying sizes, than used to be thought. … Bolinger proposed instead that much of language use is, in fact, repetitive, and not particularly creative. … most of the speech we produce is likely to have been produced before, probably by the speaker.

Native-like fluency
Pawley and Syder (1983) talk about the use of lexicalized sentence stems to achieve native-like fluency (one of the two ‘puzzles’ they propose for linguistic theory). As they say:
… what makes an expression a lexical item, what makes it part of the speech community’s common dictionary, is, firstly that the meaning of the expression is not (totally) predictable from its form, second, that it behaves as a minimal unit for certain syntactic purposes, and third, that it is a social institution. (ibid.: 209)

The average native speaker, Pawley and Syder (1983) suggest, knows hundreds of thousands of such lexicalized sentence stems, and these are then available as a repertoire of elements which may be used during ongoing conversation to achieve the degree of real-time fluency which we take for granted, and which would not be attainable otherwise. In addition, Pawley and Syder propose that the planning unit for speech is not very long. They advance the ‘one clause at a time’ hypotheses, to suggest that we only plan ahead this length of time to avoid having to engage in extensive structural planning while speaking. …
Native-like selection
Pawley and Syder … also discuss the puzzle of native-like selection, the capacity to sound idiomatic, and to say the sort of things in a second language that a native speaker of that language would say. They propose that many learners achieve native-like fluency without achieving native-like selection, in that they can produce the target language at a rate not particularly different from that produced by native speakers, but they are still not taken as native speakers (accent notwithstanding) because their choice of language makes it clear that they are operating a different system. They may, in other words, produce grammatical and fluent utterances, but still sound foreign. … to be accepted as a native speaker one has to acquire an enormous repertoire of lexicalize sentence stems; these stems have to be accessible, and an appropriate selection has to be made.
Skehan, P. 1998. A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. Oxford University Press.(《语言学习认知法》上外社1999)pp31-9.I

IP属地:浙江1楼2013-09-16 21:28回复

    Questions to ask when reading an academic paper:
    Literature review:
    Key terms/ words?
    Research questions of the study?
    How studied? (instruments)
    Results and discussion:
    What results? (answers to the research questions)
    Implications for my own language learning?I

    IP属地:浙江2楼2013-09-16 21:29

      2011 年 外语教学与研究 第 1期
      表 4显示, 3 组中国受试掌握的五类语块知识有显著差异。为进一步找出差异
      源, 我们通过 Scheff
      行了事后检验。结果显示, 3 组中国学习者在第二、 第三、 第四类语块上的得分差异
      都具有显著性( p= . 05) , 说明他们的这三类语块知识是随外语水平的提高而增长
      的, 而在第一和第五类语块上, 不同水平受试的得分差异没有相关关系。因此可以
      推论: 对于中国学习者/ . . . and. . . 0语块的习得, 语块类型的影响显著, 但其二语水
      此外, 如表 1 和表 2 显示, 中国学习者掌握的英语语块知识与本族语者相比要
      少得多, 而且在五类中都是如此。测试显示, 中国学习者对第四类语块的习得较差。
      5. 讨论
      1) 中国学习者中介语中不同类型的/ . . . and. . . 0语块知识的发展特点
      本文研究结果显示, 中国学习者中介语中不同类型的/ . . . and. . . 0语块知识的
      发展很不平衡。中国学习者习得较好的是规范性语块和源自大众文化的语块, 这是
      释, 即语言材料的输入量和输入频率对于语言学习者的知识增长起着很重要的作用
      ( Lightbown &Spada 1999) 。
      2) 中国学习者第二语言总体水平的提高与不同类型 / . . . and. . . 0语块知识发
      本文研究结果显示, 中国学习者第二语言总体水平的提高与不同类型的/ . . .
      and. . .0语块知识的长进并不完全同步。对这一现象的认识可与注意理论( Rob -
      inson 1995; Schmidt 1990, 2001) 挂上钩。课堂上的外语学习往往停留在静止的时
      空里, 不论是教师还是学生, 都是心系课本, 不去注意所学语言与时俱进的特征。例
      如 shock and awe 是美国对伊拉克进行大规模高技术空袭时创造的名词, 可译成
      / 震慑战术0, 中国的英语学习者中关心时事的人很多, 注意并记住这个流行短语的
      人却很少。我们还发现, 个别在中国工作十余年的英语本族语者, 对于近几年才出
      现的流行语语块如 click and mortar( 源自语块 brick and mortar, 指网上开店) , 也
      弄不明白, 说明他们长期脱离本国社会, 对母语的动态文化内涵注意不够, 开始落
      3) 中国学习者语块知识与本族语者语块知识的差异
      Wray( 2002) 指出一语学习者通常把语块当作最理想的心理词库的储存单位,
      理词库的最小储存单位, 认为任何语块都是根据语法规则形成的短语, 在学习过程
      郑 超 袁石红 从语块类型看中国学习者/ . . . and. . .0语块的习得
      中, 即使他们碰到了很多的语块, 也会把它们拆分开来记忆, 而与这些单词相关的语
      块组合知识则被忽视了。Wray 的论点在本研究中得到了很好的证实。我们在调查
      中注意到, 本族语者受试往往对问卷上绝大多数填空题不假思索, 一挥而就, 而即使
      是高级阶段的二语学习者在填空时也往往缺乏信心。这说明, 成人学习第二语言,
      普遍是重单词轻语块的。例如, arm 和 leg 这两个词几乎无人不晓, 可有多少人知道
      an arm and a leg 意指/ 过高代价0? 而母语习得则相反。最近我们在对一位母语为
      英语的成年人作书面调查时, 发现他每次都把 You are welcome 写成/ Your we- l
      come0, 说明他从小到大一直没有把这个语块正确地分析开来。人们说母语能够张
      口就来, 很大程度上依靠综合性的语块积累, 而外语教学一开始就是分析性的, 老师
      和学生都热衷于结构和意义的分析, 而对于语义上不可分析的非规范性语块缺少
      另一方面, 本族语者和外语学习者在对文化传统的重视和了解上存在差异, 突
      精神世界, 他们谈起 Jekyll and Hyde( 喻指具有善恶双重性格的人) , 就像中国人谈
      起/ 李逵和李鬼0一样津津乐道。可以说文化和语言使用者的关系好比水与泳者的
      关系, 只有文化的共享才能充分保证语言的共享, 而课堂上的外语学习, 学到的往往
      是/ 脱水0的语言, 文化内涵上大打折扣。
      6. 结语
      本文从语块类型的角度, 考察了不同水平的中国学习者二语语块习得的状况,
      发现与母语习得相比较, 重分析, 轻综合, 重单词, 轻语块, 是成人外语学习中具有共
      性的偏差。本研究的结果对教学有以下三点启示: 1) 在英语教学中, 教师应该引导
      学生认识语块在交流中的重要作用, 启发他们注意增强对英语的综合运用能力。2)
      教师在教学时, 应该注意不同语块类型的习得特点, 摸索、 调整教学方法。3) 教师应
      该注重对英语文化( 包括传统的和流行的) 以及与之紧密相连的语块知识的传授和

      IP属地:浙江4楼2013-09-16 21:46