consistent : unchanged in certain respect.
e.g: Consistent performance in your work indicates your consistency in your work.
An essay written with good consistency of its idea is an essay that display a clear logical coherance.
'One is inconsistent' can be applied to mean that someone is characteristic of his/her uneven temper.
adequate : enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose.
e.g: I did't have adequate time to prepare for my exam so I had jitters on the day the exam took place.
An inadequate case/argument is usually a unconvincing one and is doomed to be invalid.
e.g: The exam was simplicity itself.(=very easy)
a life of simplicity (=a plain life)
consistent : unchanged in certain respect.
e.g: Consistent performance in your work indicates your consistency in your work.
An essay written with good consistency of its idea is an essay that display a clear logical coherance.
'One is inconsistent' can be applied to mean that someone is characteristic of his/her uneven temper.
adequate : enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose.
e.g: I did't have adequate time to prepare for my exam so I had jitters on the day the exam took place.
An inadequate case/argument is usually a unconvincing one and is doomed to be invalid.
e.g: The exam was simplicity itself.(=very easy)
a life of simplicity (=a plain life)