啊啊啊啊啊,无比激动!!!山哥回来啦,无比霸气的山哥!不管以后怎么样,至少钟山的这个出场没掉份儿!!! 作为死忠的长生迷,我表示无比激动。山哥的出场我很满意,感谢观棋!希望仍然能展现钟山的诸多手段……万影天经,红鸾天经,天条百万重浪等等经典重现!!!
[玫瑰]Smile, Because you’re beautiful; stand strong, Because haters can't bring you down.微笑吧,因为你笑起来很美丽;保持坚强吧,因为这样谁都不可以打倒你。
[玫瑰]When I tell you I love you, I don’t say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. 当我告诉你我爱你,我不是出于习惯讲出来的。我是想提醒你,你是发生在我身上最美好的事。
[玫瑰]Life never was easy. Grow up, accept it. 生活从来都不容易,成熟点,接受现实吧。
[玫瑰]When I tell you I love you, I don’t say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. 当我告诉你我爱你,我不是出于习惯讲出来的。我是想提醒你,你是发生在我身上最美好的事。
[玫瑰]Life never was easy. Grow up, accept it. 生活从来都不容易,成熟点,接受现实吧。