Wormhole Tooltip = One of the strangest anomalies in the known universe, a rift in the space-time fabric of space, provides near-instanteneous travel between two points in space.
虫洞 = 宇宙中最奇妙的反常现象之一,在时空结构上的裂隙可以让两点之间的旅行几乎瞬时到达
Nebula Tooltip = This region of space is dominated by a sizable nebula in the earliest stages of forming a star. Unfortunately there are no planets to exploit, making it difficult to gather resources in this region.Fewer ships created. Faster capture time
星云 = 这一区域被一系列处于形成最初阶段的行星所组成的庞大的云海所支配。不幸的是这里没有行星可以用来开发,使得这一区域难以收集到的资源去生产足够的飞船,也使得这里极易被占领。
Wormhole Tooltip = One of the strangest anomalies in the known universe, a rift in the space-time fabric of space, provides near-instanteneous travel between two points in space.
虫洞 = 宇宙中最奇妙的反常现象之一,在时空结构上的裂隙可以让两点之间的旅行几乎瞬时到达
Nebula Tooltip = This region of space is dominated by a sizable nebula in the earliest stages of forming a star. Unfortunately there are no planets to exploit, making it difficult to gather resources in this region.Fewer ships created. Faster capture time
星云 = 这一区域被一系列处于形成最初阶段的行星所组成的庞大的云海所支配。不幸的是这里没有行星可以用来开发,使得这一区域难以收集到的资源去生产足够的飞船,也使得这里极易被占领。