I Don't Wanna Talk About It-Julienne Taylor 今天推荐的歌曲是来自苏格兰美声天后Julienne Taylor的《I Don't Wanna Talk About It》。简单的吉他伴奏伴随着轻柔的旋律,随后加入的小提琴又给歌曲带来了更丰富的层次,优美的小提琴声与Julienne Taylor的声音融合,散发着一种迷人的味道。让人不自觉地卸下沉重,放松下来。 那动人而又令人着迷的声音令她能够与著名国际级女歌手Eva Cassidy和Norah Jones相提并论。在她的苏格兰文化背景下,更让她拥有一种独特而优美的声线而成为苏格兰的天后。 荐:聆听天籁,夺走你的呼吸 歌词 I can tell by your eyes that you've prob'bly been cryin' forever, 从你的眼睛读出了你已哭了千百回。 and the stars in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror.天空璀璨的群星对你而言只是一面镜子。 I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart. 不想再去说这些,你是如何伤透我的心。 If I stay here just a little bit longer, 若是我在此停留许久, If I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart? 若是我在此停留,你可会倾听一下我心声么,心声? If I stand all alone, will the shadow hide the color of my heart; 若是孤独的站着,怕是影子一直笼罩着内心的色彩; blue for the tears, black for the night's fears. 蓝色是泪水,黑色是夜的恐惧。 The star in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror. 天空璀璨的群星对你而言只是一面镜子。 I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart. 不想再去说这些,你是如何伤透我的