In the story, the elder one of the two brothers, named Innocent, has a habit of listening toradio all the time. Batteries can keep the radio running, so the radio can tellus what’s happening all over the world. In my opinion, since radio withbatteries provides us with information from the whole world, Innocent’s batteriesrepresents their desire of the freedom and peace in other parts of the world. Thetwo brothers who’s living in such an extreme circumstance full of chaotic and warkept their own dream and hope of a peaceful life shows us the real courage.Overcoming challenge was also shown clearly in the following story when Deo andInnocent started escaping from Zimbabwe on their own, which means they arechallenging themselves to create their new life far from the tyranny government.So this is how my first object, the battery, represents a challenge of having apositive attitude and also the courage of changing the current condition by oneselfin mind, even in the worst situation.