When I was delivered,a boy,he plucked me from her arms,and handed me to a nurse. 当我这个小男孩出生的时候,他把我从母亲的怀里拽出来,丢给了奶妈。 In pity,the midwife gave my mother a pillow to hold instead of me. 遗憾的是,助产师给我母亲一个枕头抱着来代替我。 My mother hugged it.She did not seem to notice a change had been made. 我的母亲紧紧地抱着它。她根本没有注意到发生了变化。I
Quickly,I became a disappointment:small,slight.I was not fast.I was not strong.I could not sing. 很快,我就变得令人失望,又矮小又脆弱。我既长不大,又不强壮,声如蚊蚋。(妥妥受) The best that could be said of me was that I was not sickly. 关于我的传言中最好的是我并不疾病缠身。 The colds and cramps that seized my peers left me untouched. 感冒和腹痛让我不能和同龄人过多接触。(这两句神逻辑,求大神解读到底怎么回事。) This only made my father suspicious. 这让我的父亲多疑起来。 Was I a changeling,inhuman? 难道我竟然是个低能儿? He scowled at me,watching. 他怒视着我,死死盯着。 My hand shook,feeling his gaze. 我的手颤抖起来,感受到他的盯视。 And there was my mother,dribbling wine on herself. 而我的母亲,还在一边乐呵呵的往自己身上洒酒。(脑补的,啊妹喂,他娘真的疯得不轻)
I am five when it is my father's turn to host the games. 我五岁的时候,我的父亲迷上了赌博。 Men gather from as far as Thessaly and Sparta,and our storehouses grow rich with their gold. 人们从遥远的塞萨利和斯巴达聚集到这,我们的宝库随着他们带来的金子而充盈起来。 A hundred servants work for twenty days beating out the racing track and clearing it of stones. 一百个仆人忙碌了二十天清理出碎石,铺平了赛马道。 My father is determined to have the finest games ot his generation. 我的父亲决定举办一场他这一代最出色的赌博。