??: also for the sake of our younger brothers,\\ we want to do something sothis kind of trash disappear from this world!\\(所以为了我们年轻的弟弟,我会让这种垃圾永远离开这个世界。)
???: and in order to do that,\\ shouldn’t we repay with ourstrength our benefactor, you!!?\\(为次,我们要向我们的恩人报恩。)
ali: s-such a thing is…\\(这种事情…)
ali: If I wouldn’t have done anything… you wouldn’t have had neither a placewhere to live, nor something to eat…!!\\(如果我没这么做,你也不会没有地方住,也没有食物吃。)
toto: you don’t understand, alibaba!\\(你不明白,巴巴)
ali: toto…!?\\(多多)
toto: ki sword!!\\(??)这个真不知道
toto: they didn’t want such a thing.\\(还有一些人不会让这种事情发生的。)
toto: the gladiators that you have freed are the same…\\(他们是你用钱赎回来的雷姆角斗士。)
toto: they had reached a dead end, and they didn’t know where to go.\\(他们整天面临死亡,不知道出处在哪里。)
toto: you showed a bright way to their hearths filled with desperation whilethey couldn’t find any solution… and that’s what saved them!!\\(在他们绝望的时候,是你给了他们曙光。)
olba: so you understand exactly what I mean.\\(所以,你知道我们的感受。)
toto: heh, you can bet on it. You are too cheeky!\\(喂,你很无耻!)
toto: toto respect that thing about alibaba.\\(因为这样,多多尊敬巴巴)
toto: that’s why I will continue to help you. Let’s go!!\\(这也是为什么我到现在都跟你,我们上吧!)
14 信息量最要在这里
?: toto!! Olba!!\\ (多多!!奥鲁巴!!)
household: seekers of power, I am the household…\\(探求力量的人,我乃眷属。)
household: the household of bright flames born from amon the flame djinn!!\\(从炎之魔神,阿蒙那里诞生的火焰眷属)
toto & olba: household!!!\\(眷属!!!)
toto & olba: amol afmor gamek!!!\\ (deep crimson winged claws)\\(这是什么招式,我不知道。但意思是深红色飞行的爪子)
ali: amon’s\\ household!!?\\(眷属!?)I
??: also for the sake of our younger brothers,\\ we want to do something sothis kind of trash disappear from this world!\\(所以为了我们年轻的弟弟,我会让这种垃圾永远离开这个世界。)
???: and in order to do that,\\ shouldn’t we repay with ourstrength our benefactor, you!!?\\(为次,我们要向我们的恩人报恩。)
ali: s-such a thing is…\\(这种事情…)
ali: If I wouldn’t have done anything… you wouldn’t have had neither a placewhere to live, nor something to eat…!!\\(如果我没这么做,你也不会没有地方住,也没有食物吃。)
toto: you don’t understand, alibaba!\\(你不明白,巴巴)
ali: toto…!?\\(多多)
toto: ki sword!!\\(??)这个真不知道
toto: they didn’t want such a thing.\\(还有一些人不会让这种事情发生的。)
toto: the gladiators that you have freed are the same…\\(他们是你用钱赎回来的雷姆角斗士。)
toto: they had reached a dead end, and they didn’t know where to go.\\(他们整天面临死亡,不知道出处在哪里。)
toto: you showed a bright way to their hearths filled with desperation whilethey couldn’t find any solution… and that’s what saved them!!\\(在他们绝望的时候,是你给了他们曙光。)
olba: so you understand exactly what I mean.\\(所以,你知道我们的感受。)
toto: heh, you can bet on it. You are too cheeky!\\(喂,你很无耻!)
toto: toto respect that thing about alibaba.\\(因为这样,多多尊敬巴巴)
toto: that’s why I will continue to help you. Let’s go!!\\(这也是为什么我到现在都跟你,我们上吧!)
14 信息量最要在这里
?: toto!! Olba!!\\ (多多!!奥鲁巴!!)
household: seekers of power, I am the household…\\(探求力量的人,我乃眷属。)
household: the household of bright flames born from amon the flame djinn!!\\(从炎之魔神,阿蒙那里诞生的火焰眷属)
toto & olba: household!!!\\(眷属!!!)
toto & olba: amol afmor gamek!!!\\ (deep crimson winged claws)\\(这是什么招式,我不知道。但意思是深红色飞行的爪子)
ali: amon’s\\ household!!?\\(眷属!?)I