早就看过了 ————以下的小尾巴是由cao_l_x原创,转载、复制粘贴都请注明出处。 Hello, LZ! I want to play a game. In all these years, you waste your time and energy on masturbating day by day. You're continuously stealing underwears and silk stockings from your felame neighbours for your psycholagny. You never greet the life and the body you possess, on the opposite, you put yourself in your emotional sorrows day and night. You never hunt for a suitable job or walk out of your house to pursue your life walue, nor do you make a girl friend. Your happiness comes only when you are masturbating with those underwears or stockings you have stolen. As you never cherish your life or body, I would be willing to see how you will act when you are facing life and death corners. The mask around your neck will be closed in one minute afer the game begins. The mask is locked tight, and if you cannot put it down from your neck in time, the nails in the mask will stab your head and kill you. The only way to put down the mask is to find the key to unlock it. The key to the mask is in a place that you know very well, and that place is the source of your puky happiness. The key is planted in your scrotum. There is a knife in the box beside you. You have to pick up the knife and cut open your scrotum to get the key if you want to live. I am wondering how much blood you would like to sacrifice and how much pain you would like to endure for the sack of your life. If you decide to live, you must hurry up, because time is ticking. Live or die, make your choice. 楼主你好!我想玩一个游戏。在这些年里,你一直把你的时间和精力浪费在一天天的自慰中。你一直不停地偷女邻居们的内裤和丝袜用来意淫。你从来不知道感激你所拥有的生命和身体,相反,你总是沉浸在悲伤的情绪之中。你从来不去找一份适合的工作来作,也从不走出家门去追寻你的人生价值,你也不曾交一个女朋友。你的快乐只有在你拿起你偷来的内裤和丝袜自慰的时候才会降临。既然你从不珍惜自己的生命和身体,我倒要看看你在面对生死关头的时候会有如何的表现。套在你脖子上的面具将在游戏开始一分钟之后自动合拢,面具是紧锁在你脖子上的,如果你没能及时把它从你脖子上取下来的话,面具内侧的那些钉子便会刺进你的脑袋并要了你的命。唯一能取下面具的方法就是找到钥匙打开面具上的锁。打开面具的钥匙就在一个你十分熟悉的地方,那个地方是你那些龌龊的欢乐的源泉之地。钥匙就埋植在你的阴囊里。你旁边有个盒子,里面有把刀子,如果你想继续活下去,你就必须得拿起刀,割开你的阴囊,取出钥匙。我很好奇你会为了活下去而甘愿牺牲多少鲜血、忍受多少痛苦。如果你决定要继续活下去,你必须得动作麻利,因为时间正在流逝。是死是活,做出你的选择吧。I