thedowntownfiction吧 关注:76贴子:343

【T.D.F】The Downtown Fiction歌曲汇总


专辑:《Best I Never Had》(EP)
1.《Best I Never Had》
2.《Oceans Between Us》
3.《I Just Wanna Run》
4.《Take Me Home》
5.《You Were Wrong》
6.《Where Dreams Go To Die》

IP属地:湖北1楼2013-11-08 23:28回复
    Best I Never Had (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

    Oceans Between Us (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

    I Just Wanna Run (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

    Take Me Home (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

    You Were Wrong (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

    Where Dreams Go To Die (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

    IP属地:湖北2楼2013-11-08 23:32
      《I Just Wanna Run》视频链接:
      《You Were Wrong》视频链接:
      《Where Dreams Go To Die》视频链接:

      IP属地:湖北4楼2013-11-09 23:26
        1.《Feeling Better》
        3.《Get It Right》
        5.《Out In the Streets》

        IP属地:湖北5楼2013-11-09 23:30
          Feeling Better (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

          Happy (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

          Get It Right (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

          Circles (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

          Out In the Streets (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

          IP属地:湖北6楼2013-11-09 23:37
            《Get It Right》视频链接:

            IP属地:湖北7楼2013-11-10 22:25
              专辑:《Let's Be Animals》
              1.《Thanks For Nothing》
              4.《She Knows》
              5.《Let's Be Animals》
              6.《Wake Up》
              8.《Tell Me A Lie》
              9.《A Wonderful Surprise》

              IP属地:湖北8楼2013-11-10 22:29
                Thanks For Nothing - The Downtown Fiction

                Freak - The Downtown Fiction

                Stoned - The Downtown Fiction

                She Knows - The Downtown Fiction

                Let's Be Animals - The Downtown Fiction

                Wake Up - The Downtown Fiction

                Alibi - The Downtown Fiction

                Tell Me A Lie - The Downtown Fiction

                A Wonderful Surprise - The Downtown Fiction

                IP属地:湖北10楼2013-11-10 22:33
                  《Thanks For Nothing》视频链接:

                  IP属地:湖北11楼2013-11-10 22:53
                    专辑:《Let´s Be Animals》(Deluxe Version)
                    1.《Losing My Mind》
                    3.《Medicine for You》
                    4.《Hurt Me So Good》

                    IP属地:湖北12楼2013-11-10 22:57
                      Losing My Mind - The Downtown Fiction

                      Sierra - The Downtown Fiction

                      Medicine for You - The Downtown Fiction

                      Hurt Me So Good - The Downtown Fiction

                      IP属地:湖北13楼2013-11-10 22:58
                        A few short years ago, The Downtown Fiction had just emerged onto the Northern Virginia scene as a new band trying to make a name for themselves. Backed by a loyal, hometown fan-base, the band quickly became popular around the area after releasing their first EP in mid-2009 (later re-released). The band toured for about a year until catching the eye of indie label, Photo Finish Records. After releasing two EPs signed to Photo Finish, the band is releasing their first full-length at the end of April.
                        Let’s Be Animals start’s off with the first song the band released, “Thanks For Nothing,” an undeniably catchy track that many fans will like, but unfortunately, it’s a hit-or-miss. However, the rest of the album shows know sign of slowing down. It is evident that The Downtown Fiction has definitely spent time perfecting their craft on this album. From song writing, lyrical content, and song flow, the band has grown so much since their first EP. A majority of the tracks will be stuck in your head all day and are made to be listened to driving with the windows down.
                        Let’s Be Animals has two tracks that shine over all the other tracks. “Stoned” is a huge anthem that has a huge chorus very reminiscent of the band, The Strokes. One of the best songs on the record is the bands second single, “She Knows.” “She Knows” is the catchiest song that the band has ever written. Both the verses and the chorus are incredibly infectious, leaving you singing along every time.
                        The Downtown Fiction has made it clear with Let’s Be Animals that they aren’t going anywhere any time soon. This album will be a great summer album and will please old-school fans of the band greatly. The band has grown so much in the past year and I can’t wait to see what is in store for them next.

                        IP属地:湖北14楼2013-11-10 23:05
                          When You'Re Around (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

                          Forgot It Was Christmas - The Downtown Fiction

                          Keep Moving - The Downtown Fiction

                          Hold My Breath (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

                          No Typical Thursday Night (Ep Ve... - The Downtown Fiction

                          Your Voice (Ep Version) - The Downtown Fiction

                          IP属地:湖北15楼2013-11-10 23:14
                            Super Bass - Various Artists

                            Super Bass - Nicki Minaj/Ester Dean

                            (前面那个就是The Downtown Fiction翻唱的版本,因为The Downtown Fiction在中国名气实在不高导致百度不知道是谁唱的,所以才会用Various Artists(群星)来代替The Downtown Fiction。至于后面那个,那个是原唱版本,不过个人更喜欢The Downtown Fiction的翻唱版本。)

                            IP属地:湖北16楼2013-11-10 23:37
                              @是的我道德败坏 终于全部弄完了。有好多都找不到的说,不过那些留到以后再说吧,寒假有足够的时间。

                              IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端17楼2013-11-10 23:41