1. 天堂鸟

This amazing flower truly has the shape of a bird and this detail is what makes it special. The colorful bird of paradise is really tall: the plant may reach as much as 5 feet in height and the flower itself is pretty large as well. The bird of paradise may be found in <?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags">South Africa. However, check your local florist: this plant is not only one of the most beautiful in the world, but one of the most popular as well.

This amazing flower truly has the shape of a bird and this detail is what makes it special. The colorful bird of paradise is really tall: the plant may reach as much as 5 feet in height and the flower itself is pretty large as well. The bird of paradise may be found in <?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags">South Africa. However, check your local florist: this plant is not only one of the most beautiful in the world, but one of the most popular as well.