You will experience adversities in different stages of your life.You may feel tough at some moments and a sense of crisis appears.Life is made of various choices,accidents and opportunities instead of being destined.Say no to the sense of crisis.Just keep going and be the best.
人生有不同阶段,一定会遇到不同的事,就面对吧。如果想到某一步,感觉好像迈不过去,会产生危机感。可我觉得人生本没有注定,存在很多选择、意外和机会,所以未雨绸缪的危机感对我来说没有,继续前行,就好。——李宇春翻译:贝贝 审:黑儿、真真 发布:贝贝)
图片来源:琪琪 沙沙