bhsf英语吧 关注:26贴子:164



When I first took this class, I couldn't understand it probably, just like others. However, when I began to tryto think about it on my own idea, I felt more clearly. We are talkingabout justice. What is justice? Of course, it’s a very deep question. Just likethe students in the class who stand up to answer the questions, that everyonecan have their own opinions about some same things.
For example, in the lessonabout Man-eating massacre, we had two different ideas. One agreed with eatingthat poor man, the other was against . From where I stand, I think the crew can’teat their partners, because life is fair to everyone, you can’t be allowed todecide one’s life yourself, so this is my idea. (Maybe others don’t agree withme.) This is the way which I think about the justice.
Above all, these lessons taughtme a lot, and it made me begin to know how to think about things. It’s reallycool!
TanYadan, Class 10

45楼2014-01-07 23:58
    After I read the course,I feel very complex.In the fist class when I listen to the story of the trolley car,the first decision I made was kill the one and save the other's life,but after I listen to the speaker,I feel suspicious ,I think if I were the driver ,I just have a second to made such a difficult decision,so I would kill the one and save the five although I would feel very sory and guilty to the one who is killed by me because in that case it's the only way to get the will be unfair to the one. I think the fair is an abstract definiation,there is nothing fare in the world.the only thing we can do is to be fair in a certain degree.

    来自iPad47楼2014-01-08 19:16
      HAO DUO REN A.

      50楼2014-01-12 15:30

        51楼2014-03-24 22:33

          来自iPhone客户端52楼2014-11-29 12:15
            omg seeing this 8 years later T T

            IP属地:美国53楼2022-07-23 11:49