On the 24th is already holidays and people stay the whole day cooking, wrapping gifts and writing cards.Later, around 5 pm,thewhole family reunite usually in the grandparent’s house,and exchange gifts,pray, have dinner.The young ones go to sleeparound 10pm, or stay wakeup amazed with their news toys, and the rest of the family have dinner together around12 pm is always a long and happy night with people talking, drinking, celebrating.
24号这天节日就开始了,人们要在厨房忙乎一天,包装礼物,写贺卡。在之后的下午5点左右,整个家族一般都要聚集在祖父母的家里,大家交换礼物、一起祈 祷、一起吃晚餐。孩子们或者10点左右就睡了,或者是很兴奋地玩自己的新玩具。其他人要一直吃到夜里12点,大家一遍聊天一遍吃饭喝酒,一起庆祝这个漫长 而欢快的夜晚。
The Christmas tradition is extended to the day after- 25th of December-when normally everybody wakes up late because of the previous night, and wants a relaxing day to recover.Since is summer during this holidays we often have barbecue and a relaxed day in the pool with the family or just a casual lunch together.