《给朱丽叶的信》因为喜欢和你在一起的感觉、所以在一起、所以相爱、真正的爱情是可以用时间来验证的、请不要让任何无关紧要的东西来阻止你们的爱情、那样实在太不爽了。 Dear claire: "what" and "if" are two word, as non_threating as words can be but put then together ,said by side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life what if i don't know how your story ended but if what you felt then was true love then it's never too late if it was true the why wouldnt it be true now? you need only the courage to follow your heart i don't know what a love like juliets feels like a love to leave loved ones for a love to cross oceans for but i'd like to believe if i ever were to feel it that i'd have the cowrage to seize it . 亲爱的克莱尔,“如果”和“怎样”是两个毫无威胁得词,但是把他们连在一起他们就能让你魂牵梦绕,如果这样又会怎样,我不知道你的故事最后会怎样?但要是你本觉得那是真爱,那就还不晚。曾经得真爱为何不能在续前缘,你需要的仅仅是勇敢得听从自己得