开始说要求了 1 给密码只是让你玩游戏 乱上QQ神马的绝对不允许 领什么东西巴拉巴拉的也不要乱关注啊发微博什么的 那玩意说实话抽不到什么好东西 2 不许毁号 我想既然你来想接受此号 就理应带着素质呢吧 3 不许退我车队 不许用我的号骂人什么什么的 最烦这样 4 你想往游戏里充钱 我不管 爱充多少充多少 一毛钱不冲也没关系 只是玩游戏而已 我倒希望你不充钱 但你充之前先告诉我 因为我游戏消费啊什么都要手机验证码 反正你懂得啦 5 接手此号的最好是高中生 女生优先 不图别的 女生比男生保险 最好是那种没三级石头没雷诺又想玩的 次号可以充分满足你的要求c/item/1521a244ad345982e09546ef0ef431adcaef84a8.jpg" pic_ext="jpeg" width="1" height="1">

--大家看到我的小尾巴了吗~我把它藏起来了~moral suspicion of “Merry Christmas” dates back to the Methodist churchmen of the Victorian era who sought to promote sobriety among the English working class. Merrymaking of the ancient, alcoholic sort was frowned on year-round, perhaps never more so than during the celebration of the Savior’s birth. The phrase “Merry Christmas” would hang on, but the image of a family sharing a bottle of port or wine in the first commercial Christmas card was to give way to more temperate holiday depictions.
We may no longer associate “merry” with spirits alcoholic as well as high, but the meaning was once familiar. “Merry” appeared in both the Wyclife and King James bibles in reference to intoxication, where it describes an evening in the life of the rich man Nabal: “He held a feast in his house, like the feast of a king; and Nabal’s heart was merry within him, for he was very drunken.” (To wish someone a holiday feast like Nabal’s was to wish him a very good Christmas indeed.)
To certain ears, then, “Happy Christmas” conveys a sober, well-earned enjoyment, the satisfaction resulting from hard work and virtuous living. “Merry Christmas” stirs in us an impulse more primitive and unrestrained: The childlike giddiness of Christmas morning, the rush down the stairs and tearing at paper, the intemperate delight in gifts long hoped-for and wholly undeserved.
Which phrase conveys a more fitting response to the overwhelming, unearned, gift of Christ’s birth? Suffice it to say that when our Lord comes I hope I do not greet him with dignified reserve but instead rush at him with the unguarded, unembarrassed joy of a child at play or man at his cups. Merry Christmas to all!