环球雅思九江分校吧 关注:8贴子:65
  • 0回复贴,共1



每个分数又代表什么样的英语水平类?雅思官方的解释如下:<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>
9 ExpertUser: native speaker level. Can function appropriately and accurately in allskills.
8 Very GoodUser: has excellent command of the language but may produce some errors inunfamiliar circumstances.
7 Good User:generally handles language well but with some inaccuracies. Can produce acompetent written argument. Can understand abstract reasoning in readingpassages.
6 CompetentUser: has reasonable control of the language but with some inaccuracies. Mayhave some difficulties with unfamiliar situations.
5 ModestUser: can deal adequately with language in his own area but will finddifficulty in dealing with complex language and unfamiliar situations.
4 LimitedUser: only able to deal with familiar situations and not complex language.Often has difficulty in understanding and expression.
3 Very Limited User: has problems in communicating. Able toexpress general meaning only in familiar circumstances.
2Intermittent User: had many difficulties using the language. Can onlycommunicate very little basic information by using a few words or phrases.
1 Non User:has no ability to communicate except for a few isolated words.
0 Did not write the test: did not produce any information tobe assessed.

1楼2014-01-04 16:42回复