I’ve been busy finalizing and polishing character event cutscenes.Let me tell you a bit more about what that entails.
There are 10 “eligible” characters in the game, 5 females and 5 males (Yes, same-sex marriage/relationships are allowed!). Each one has at least 5 “events” which you’ll encounter as your relationship with the character progresses. Most of the events include conversations in which you can choose between different dialogue options. Sometimes the option you choose will affect how the rest of the event plays out. In addition to conversation options, you’ll sometimes be given a choice between multiple courses of action, which always has an effect on how the event plays out. Sometimes, choices you make in events will affect what characters end up doing in the future. Characters that you can’t marry also have these event cutscenes, but typically not as many.
在游戏里有十个 合适的 人物,5男5女(之前更新中也提到,支持同性结婚)。每个人至少有5件你会碰见的进展人物关系的事件。大多数的事件含有分歧选项的对话。有时你所选择的选项会影响接下来的事件发展。除了对话选项外,有时候你会遇到多个影响接下来事件发展的行动方案。有时事件所做的选择会影响人物的将来(结果)。不能结婚的人物也有事件动画,但通常不多。
I’ve been carefully going through every one of these events, adding or rewriting dialogue, new animations, props, cameo characters, settings, storylines, graphical cutscenes, sounds, music, and more! I also added a lot more cases where your choices affect how the rest of the event plays out. Additionally… while working on these events, if I encounter anything else in the game I am unhappy with I typically take a small detour and fix that as well.
我一直都仔细地检查每一个事件,添加或重写对话、 新动画、 道具、 浮雕人物、 设置、 故事情节、 图形化的过场动画、 声音、 音乐等等!我也添加了更多选择后的事件发展情况。此外,当处理这些事件时,如果我还遇见一些我感到不满的我通常带一个小弯路并进行修复(这句不会翻译)。
So I’ve been working mostly on events, with slight detours here and there to polish other aspects of the game.
Some other new things I’ve added since last update:
2 children… a boy and a girl (seen below) — I felt that children were necessary to make the town feel more alive. They are also useful as plot elements, and have already been incorporated into other characters’ storylines.
Bath house, with locker rooms — Fun setting for events, place to relax, and an excuse to see characters in their bathing suits.
浴房,有更衣室 — —设置欢乐的事件(?),一个放松的地方,一个看人物穿泳装的借口。
An arcade in the saloon — A place for the youth to hang out. Some fun surprises as well.
What else needs to be done before release?
Finish the rest of the events
The Joja Corporation story arc
Joja 公司的故事
Post-marriage life
Finish Multiplayer
More polishing!
Testing, technical stuff, performance optimizations, possible mac and linux port
测试、 技术的东西、 性能优化、 可能的 mac 和 linux 端口
There are 10 “eligible” characters in the game, 5 females and 5 males (Yes, same-sex marriage/relationships are allowed!). Each one has at least 5 “events” which you’ll encounter as your relationship with the character progresses. Most of the events include conversations in which you can choose between different dialogue options. Sometimes the option you choose will affect how the rest of the event plays out. In addition to conversation options, you’ll sometimes be given a choice between multiple courses of action, which always has an effect on how the event plays out. Sometimes, choices you make in events will affect what characters end up doing in the future. Characters that you can’t marry also have these event cutscenes, but typically not as many.
在游戏里有十个 合适的 人物,5男5女(之前更新中也提到,支持同性结婚)。每个人至少有5件你会碰见的进展人物关系的事件。大多数的事件含有分歧选项的对话。有时你所选择的选项会影响接下来的事件发展。除了对话选项外,有时候你会遇到多个影响接下来事件发展的行动方案。有时事件所做的选择会影响人物的将来(结果)。不能结婚的人物也有事件动画,但通常不多。
I’ve been carefully going through every one of these events, adding or rewriting dialogue, new animations, props, cameo characters, settings, storylines, graphical cutscenes, sounds, music, and more! I also added a lot more cases where your choices affect how the rest of the event plays out. Additionally… while working on these events, if I encounter anything else in the game I am unhappy with I typically take a small detour and fix that as well.
我一直都仔细地检查每一个事件,添加或重写对话、 新动画、 道具、 浮雕人物、 设置、 故事情节、 图形化的过场动画、 声音、 音乐等等!我也添加了更多选择后的事件发展情况。此外,当处理这些事件时,如果我还遇见一些我感到不满的我通常带一个小弯路并进行修复(这句不会翻译)。
So I’ve been working mostly on events, with slight detours here and there to polish other aspects of the game.
Some other new things I’ve added since last update:
2 children… a boy and a girl (seen below) — I felt that children were necessary to make the town feel more alive. They are also useful as plot elements, and have already been incorporated into other characters’ storylines.
Bath house, with locker rooms — Fun setting for events, place to relax, and an excuse to see characters in their bathing suits.
浴房,有更衣室 — —设置欢乐的事件(?),一个放松的地方,一个看人物穿泳装的借口。
An arcade in the saloon — A place for the youth to hang out. Some fun surprises as well.
What else needs to be done before release?
Finish the rest of the events
The Joja Corporation story arc
Joja 公司的故事
Post-marriage life
Finish Multiplayer
More polishing!
Testing, technical stuff, performance optimizations, possible mac and linux port
测试、 技术的东西、 性能优化、 可能的 mac 和 linux 端口