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1楼2014-01-21 22:56回复
    Human and Eternity
    Author: Guoping Zhou
    Human is the only kind of animal which can ask about its meaning ofexistence. This is one thing that makes human great, but also one thing thatmakes us tragic. “As is said, Man is measure of all things. However, when a mantries to understand himself/herself, what should we use as the measure? Ofcourse not. Or can we use something besides us? But humans are not willing tobe looked down upon. The action of looking for meanings traps us in antinomy sodeeply.
    Chapter One:
    Sometimes I feel pity on human, a kind of littleanimal. They are born and dead as other animals, but they possess some actionsand habits that other animals cannot imagine; among which the most special twothings are currency and writing. These two things are not traceable in nature whichfosters them, but they are eble to attract so many people for their wholelifes. When you look at it on behalf of nature, the passion is ridiculous.
    Section 1:The Meaningof Life
    Section 2:GentleCompassion
    Section 3:Nature andLife
    Section 4:Lust
    Section 5:Love
    Section 6:Care forSomeone
    Section 7:The Love ofLife
    Section 8:Loneliness
    Section 9:Tragedy
    Section 10:Telesthesia
    Chapter Two:
    One the stage of life, all of us are so busy to playour roles, and we are busier than actors and actresses. For example, I sit infront of my desk all day long and keep on writing for publications according toeditors’ and readers’ requirements. I have always been wishing that I couldhave a day to write about what I truly want to write about. However, when Ifinally have time, the voice in my heart has gone away without leaving a trace.
    Section 11:Truth
    Section 12:Gesture ofNature
    Section 13:True Faces
    Section 14:Philosophy
    Section 15:Grasp the Eternity
    Section 16:Self-Reliant
    Section 17:Individual Thinking
    Section 18:Arts
    Section 19:Artistic Temperament
    Section 20:A Kind ofDegeneration
    Chapter Three:
    Before a good poem is born, you usually feel a kindof anxiety. You know that something exists, and you have to find it and catchit right away, or it will disappear forever. Also, you may have a belief thatsome sentences and words are already there; it’s just that they are hiding, andit is your responsibility to find them. Those unique and irreplaceable wordsare to be found, instead of being created. Usually, you would try differentwords and feel awkward, and then rapture comes when you find an accurate wordthat you know this is it.
    Section 21:A Poem isSimple
    Section 22:Haziness is Beautiful
    Section 20:Samadhi ofBeauty
    Section 20:The Beautyof Pureness
    Section 20:Once a Life
    Section 20:The Meaningof Life
    Section 20:Happinessand Pain
    Section 20:Disasters
    Section 20:LoveYourself
    Section 20:To Truly LoseSomething
    Section 20:A Kind ofDetachment
    Section 20:Self-Mockery

    2楼2014-01-21 22:57

      IP属地:江苏来自手机贴吧4楼2014-01-21 23:04

        来自Android客户端5楼2014-01-21 23:04
          木有校稿。Put up with it please!
          Section 1:The Meaning of Life
          Author:Guoping Zhou
          Human is the only kind of animal which can ask about its meaning of existence. This is one thingthat makes human great, but also one thing that makes us tragic. “As is said,Man is measure of all things. However, when a man tries to understandhimself/herself, what should we use as the measure? Of course not. Or can weuse something besides us? But humans are not willing to be looked down upon.The action of looking for meanings traps us in antinomy so deeply.
          Maybe the meaning itself cannot be defined. When we go after the meaning of life, what matters isthat we are looking around, and the meaning actually lies in the process ofsearching for. Just as when we read stories of the heroes looking fortreasures, what attracts us is the plot within, not the treasure that is foundin the end. We are trying to find treasures in our spirits.
          Living and multiplying is the animal part of human beings, while looking for the meaningof life is the divinity of us. However, we are not Gods. As a result, searchingfor meanings is a paradoxical field. In this field, survival and death, loveand loneliness are the two biggest paradoxes.
          Man wants perfection, which cannot be reached. How to cure thispain?
          My answer:This kind of pain is contained in perfection itself, and it won’t beperfect if this pain is cured.
          My thoughts:This way, the pain is gone. However, perfection is gone as well.
          When I am extremelybored, I sometimes come up with the idea that how bored the Creator is. He musthave created humans when he cannot bear the bore. It seems that humans are akind trick to amuse him because of his life seems to have no terminal. If Iwere a Creator, I would have done so too.
          Let me put it this way --
          This is aridiculous universe which seems to exist and change forever, but foreverwithout ant meanings. It is annoyed by its own meaninglessness, and thus humansare born as products of the universe’s meaninglessness.
          Thus, the birth ofhumans is a kind of protest towards meaninglessness.
          In Greek mythology, the one who created humans was not the supreme God Zeus, but Prometheus who was punished by disobeying Zeus’s intentions. In my view, this explanation contains more truth than Christian creationism, because humans are born obeying thewishes of Gods.
          Freedom, justice, beauty, truth, morality, love, dream, improvement … All these beautiful words are just irony from the angle of a God, but humans treat them as consolation.
          Man is a fragile reed, and it needs to imagine another reed to be its root.
          A motto that I like:I have everything that a man has, including the weakness.
          I love lying on thegrass to observe the constellation, but I don’t want to be one of them myself.
          Sometimes we need to stand on the cloud in order to view ourselves and others around completely.In this way, we won’t be so harsh on ourselves or on others.

          7楼2014-01-21 23:36

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