AEO:适应性执行办公室 专注领域:摘自官网(懒得翻译了) The Adaptive Execution Office (AEO) is chartered to accelerate game-changing DARPA technologies into DoD capabilities. AEO provides the agency with robust connections to the warfighter community and assists the agency with the planning and execution of technology demonstrations and field trials to promote adoption by the warfighter.
DSO:国防科学办公室 专注领域:摘自官网(不翻译) DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office (DSO) programs bridge the gap from fundamental science to applications by identifying and pursuing the most promising ideas within the science and engineering research communities and transforming these ideas into new DoD capabilities.
I2O:信息处理技术办公室 专注领域:摘自官网(不翻译) I2O explores game-changing technologies in the fields of information science and software to anticipate and create rapid shifts in the complex national security landscape. Conflict can occur in traditional domains such as land, sea, air, and space, and in emerging domains such as cyber and other types of irregular warfare. I2O’s research portfolio is focused on anticipating new modes of warfare in these emerging areas and developing the concepts and tools necessary to provide decisive advantage for the U.S. and its allies.
MTO:微系统技术办公室 专注领域:摘自官网(不翻译) The Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) supports DARPA’s mission of creating and preventing strategic surprise by investing in areas such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), electronics, computing, photonics and biotechnology.
STO:战略技术办公室 专注领域:摘自官网(不翻译) The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Strategic Technology Office (STO) is focused on technologies that enable fighting as a network to increase military effectiveness, cost leverage, and adaptability. STO's areas of interest include: Battle Management, Command and Control (BMC2); Communications and Networks; Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR); Electronic Warfare (EW); Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT); and Foundational Strategic Technologies and Systems.
TTO:战术技术办公室(跟战略不同哦) 专注领域:摘自官网(不翻译) TTO will rapidly develop new prototype military capabilities that create an asymmetric technological advantage and provide U.S. forces with decisive superiority and the ability to overwhelm our opponents.