跟着直觉走 多么美好而简单 我真想直接告白 又没有信心不会被婉言谢绝 也没有自信自己能一直卑微的存在着 在视野的边缘 不被在乎 就算在乎 也不说出口 什么事都不分享 好久没有肆无忌惮 无所畏惧的说自己细腻甚至庸人自扰的内心 或许 沉默是最美好的绽放 最迷惘的悲凉
this is a beautiful beginning
I got no ideas about it before
It has changed when I am not sure
No one is here as I open my sad eyes
Just loneliness always be with me by my side
I got no ideas about it before
It has changed when I am not sure
No one is here as I open my sad eyes
Just loneliness always be with me by my side