苍白的烟花吧 关注:4贴子:338

回复:I'm stan


Now I need you to open your mind, your eyes - close em' We are going to explore into your mind To find out why you're so fuckin jealous.《big weenie》(译:现在我需要你闭目冥想,一同向你心底探索,到底TM为何如此疯魔地嫉妒我。)

IP属地:江西32楼2014-02-09 12:56
    I Ain't gonna eat, I ain't gonna sleep Ain't gonna breath till I see what I wanna see And what I wanna see is you go to sleep in the dirt.《go to sleep》(译:我不会进食不会沉睡不会呼吸,直到渴望能成真,我渴望你复归尘土,长眠地下

    IP属地:江西33楼2014-02-09 12:56
      A lot of my rhymes are just to get chuckles out of people. Anybody with half a brain is going to be able to tell when I’m joking and when I’m serious.(译:很多押韵是为了取笑于人而作。有脑子的人应该明白我什么时候说笑什么时候认真。)

      IP属地:江西34楼2014-02-09 12:56
        You don't get another changce.Life' s not Nintendo game.(译:你不会再有第二次机会,人生不是场任天堂游戏。)

        IP属地:江西35楼2014-02-09 12:56
          I’m thankful for the talent in which God gave me and I’m thankful for the environment that he placed me.----《Never Enough》(译:我感谢上帝赐予我的天分,并感激他把我置身于那么坎坷的境况。)

          IP属地:江西36楼2014-02-09 12:57
            Push this generation of kids to stand and fight for the right to say something you might not like.--《square dance》(译:推动我们这一代的年青,去坚定立场,去争取言论自由的权利。)

            IP属地:江西37楼2014-02-09 12:57
              See what hurts me the most is you wont admit you was wrong.--《CLEANIN OUT MY CLOSET》(译:知道什么伤我最深吗,就是你永远不承认你做错了。)

              IP属地:江西38楼2014-02-09 12:57
                don't need no fuckin' man-serving, tryna follow me around & wipe my ass. Laugh at every single joke I crack & half of them ain't even funny like that.(我不需要一群马屁精整天围着我屁股转,就连我说的超冷笑话都假意笑到不行。)

                IP属地:江西39楼2014-02-09 12:57
                  I wanted to make it. And I was gonna make it regardless of what anybody said.(我要坚持到底,收获成功。不管别人怎么说,我都要成功才行。)

                  IP属地:江西40楼2014-02-09 12:57
                    I'm trying to say that you never know until you try.(我想说的是:欲知结果,唯有尝试。)

                    IP属地:江西41楼2014-02-09 12:58
                      I’m gonna go wherever this rap thing takes me, even if it takes me to the grave.(译:我坚持与rap同行,即使它会把我带进坟墓。)

                      IP属地:江西43楼2014-02-09 12:59
                        I think one of my greatest inspirations or things that I would feed off basically was just obviously people not believing.(我认为我最大的精神动力或者一直催促我前进的一件事是:人们对我毫不掩饰的不相信。)

                        IP属地:江西44楼2014-02-09 12:59
                          No matter what they do, there will never be another you.(无论别人怎么做,他们也不会成为第二个你。)

                          IP属地:江西45楼2014-02-09 13:00
                            Sometimes u feel tired & weak and wanna give up. But u got to search within u & try to find that inner strength & put that shit out of u.(有时你会觉疲倦虚弱,便想放弃。这时你应重新审视自己,发掘潜力并把它彻底发挥出来!)

                            IP属地:江西46楼2014-02-09 13:00
                              Why do we say that until we get that person that we think's gonna be that one & then once we get'em it's never the same.——Space Bound(为什么我们都有这样的感觉:一旦拥有了狂恋很久的人,感觉就变了,之前的美好全无。)

                              IP属地:江西47楼2014-02-09 13:01