1.Love is putting someone else's needs before yours. 爱就是把某个人看得比你自己重要。
2.If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old. 如果不学会在困难面前微笑,等到老了就怎么都笑不出来了。
3.Millions of failures are caused by people who do things not thoroughly. It happens that some people cease or give up when it is just one step before success.世界千万人的失败,都是失败在做事不彻底,往往做到离成功尚差一步就终止不做了。
4.Hearing you say good night to me every night is the simplest and the most lasting happiness I have.每晚睡前听你说晚安,是属于我的,最简单而持久的幸福。
5.Being nice to someone you dislike doesn’t mean you’re fake. It means you’re mature enough to control your emotions. 友善地对待你不喜欢的人并不能说明你虚伪,只能证明你已经足够成熟到可以控制自己的感情了。