Top 10: Finale? We've been cancelled?! 来自软糖的话
Top 9: The real father: Frank Sinatra 来自罗宾
Top 8: Fairytale wedding with the cast of "blue bloods" 来自Ted
Top 7: You know that Bar we hang out in? We buy it and turn it into a duane reade 来自百合
Top 6: Together, Velma, Ted, Daphne, Shaggy, and I crack the cast of the Arcade Arsonist来自Barney
Top5 : It's on NBC 。。。。。来自软糖
Top 4:For some reason, we're all naked 来自罗宾
Top3: Someone finally points out that i don't sound like bob saget 来自Ted
Top2: To find out how ted met the mother, send a self-addressed stamped envelope and $500 来自百合
Top1: 是跟本剧无关,Barney耍人的,就不搬了
Top 9: The real father: Frank Sinatra 来自罗宾
Top 8: Fairytale wedding with the cast of "blue bloods" 来自Ted
Top 7: You know that Bar we hang out in? We buy it and turn it into a duane reade 来自百合
Top 6: Together, Velma, Ted, Daphne, Shaggy, and I crack the cast of the Arcade Arsonist来自Barney
Top5 : It's on NBC 。。。。。来自软糖
Top 4:For some reason, we're all naked 来自罗宾
Top3: Someone finally points out that i don't sound like bob saget 来自Ted
Top2: To find out how ted met the mother, send a self-addressed stamped envelope and $500 来自百合
Top1: 是跟本剧无关,Barney耍人的,就不搬了