无法用语言来形容 Then I thought It was some weird porno or some strange sh*t but as I watched the first video I was like Yooo... what the f*ck Then I continued and I was like Yooooooo...... Then they got in the mother f*ucking car And then I said YYYYYoooooooo.......... I coyldn't F*cking believe what I just saw It was like sutan gave me porno collection sh*t was so disturbing Yet Then I saw video Three Three niggas Thrrrreee!!!!! It was Thrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! 节操是什么?攻受是什么?腔控是什么?腐女是什么?百合是什么?鬼畜是什么?黑化是什么?面瘫是什么?颜艺是什么?猫耳是什么?三无是什么?腹黑是什么?璇酱是什么?桂桑是什么?这些深奥的问题,我怎么可能会懂!