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【CRI Special Englsih】(美音)2014-03-11原稿


CRI Podcast用耳朵聆听世界

1楼2014-03-11 14:55回复
    就是啊 咋没有原稿

    来自iPad3楼2014-03-12 11:02
      This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Yun Fengin Beijing. Here is the news.
      China will deploy a modern vocational education program to improve thequality of the country's vast labor force and increase employment.
      The State Council, China's cabinet, says this program is a strategic movefor the country's economic transformation and improvement of people's wellbeing.
      The Chinese government has advocated a contemporary vocational educationthat helps nurture tens of millions of engineers and technical workers, and'open a gate of success for young people'.
      A recent statement from the State Council says China will also enhance marketcompetitiveness of products made in China to help upgrade the Chinese economy.
      New measures to strengthen vocational education include giving vocationalschools more decision-making power.
      A talent cultivation mechanism will be set up to allow schools andenterprises to jointly recruit and train talents.
      China's food and drug safety watchdog has revoked licenses of around 70drug businesses in a crackdown on illegal drug-related operations since lastJuly.
      China Food and Drug Administration says almost 500 cases involvingillegal or criminal practices were handed over to police authorities during thecrackdown.
      The administration has ordered some 1,000 drug producers and dealers tosuspend business and has withdrawn over 250 good practice certificates.
      In July last year, the administration launched a six-month crackdown onillegal drug-related production and operations.
      The campaign especially targeted at violations in the traditionalChinese medicine market and online drug sales.
      It is also aimed at establishing more regulations and mechanisms tointensify management, and better control drug safety risks.
      In a related development, China's Food and Drug Administration haslaunched a trial program in which food producers will have their own chiefsafety officers.
      A chief safety officer will be appointed by the owner of a food producer.The officer will be responsible for all issues regarding the safety of foodproduced by the company.
      The Food and Drug Administration hopes this will solve the problem in whicheveryone in the management is responsible for food safety, but actually, no oneis doing the job.
      Meanwhile, the whole process from production to sales will be recordedand be made traceable.
      The growing number of cell phone users in China has led to a surge indata flow as more of them access mobile Internet via their phones.
      A latest government data shows the number of cell phone users in Chinahit 1.2 billion in January, up over 6 million from December last year.
      China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology says theincrease has boosted mobile Internet traffic, which reached 133 milliongigabytes in January, up almost 50 percent year on year.
      Business revenues of mobile telecommunications hit almost 70 billionyuan, or about 11 billion U.S. dollars in January, up 11 percent year on year.
      Exciting research suggests that a shot every one to three monthsmay someday give an alternative to the daily pills that some people take now tocut their risk of getting HIV.
      The experimental drug has only been tested in monkeys, but it completelyprotected them from infection.
      A US AIDS expert hails the move as the most exciting innovation in thefield of HIV prevention.
      Dr. Robert Grant is an AIDS expert at the Gladstone Institutes, afoundation affiliated with the University of California in San Francisco. Hesays the study has showed 100 percent protection.
      The doctor says if the drug works and proves to be safe, it wouldallow for HIV to be prevented with periodic injections, perhaps every threemonths.
      You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Yun Feng in Beijing.You can access our program by logging onto If you have anycomments or suggestions, please let us know by e-mailing us at That' Nowthe news continues.

      4楼2014-03-12 17:21

        8楼2017-01-16 11:28