The wild olive Haggadah
This is a downloadableHaggadah for Christians wishing to celebrate Passover as those who havebeen grafted into God's olive tree ofIsrael.
The original was produced as afolded A4 booklet in a DeskTop Publisher, but this text could be formatted andprinted in any word processor.
CelebratingPassover, as non Jews.
Passover is a very Jewish feast, andJews are likely to be sensitive about its celebration by Gentiles. But Paulexplains in Romans 11 how we have been grafted in toIsrael, God's people of faith, andso we may celebrate with reverence and wonder, that the God of Israel hasredeemed us from slavery to sin and ransomed us for Himself. Asgrafted in people we can bless God in the words of the "Shema."
This is a downloadableHaggadah for Christians wishing to celebrate Passover as those who havebeen grafted into God's olive tree ofIsrael.
The original was produced as afolded A4 booklet in a DeskTop Publisher, but this text could be formatted andprinted in any word processor.
CelebratingPassover, as non Jews.
Passover is a very Jewish feast, andJews are likely to be sensitive about its celebration by Gentiles. But Paulexplains in Romans 11 how we have been grafted in toIsrael, God's people of faith, andso we may celebrate with reverence and wonder, that the God of Israel hasredeemed us from slavery to sin and ransomed us for Himself. Asgrafted in people we can bless God in the words of the "Shema."