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Runemaster - Development Diary 4 - Personality Traits
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the 4th developer diary for Runemaster. Today we will delve deep in the trait system, since you can’t have a role-playing game without traits and attributes. RPGs can take a number of different approaches to defining what kind of person the main character is. In some games, there is little choice in how your character acts, in others you can be either good or bad, and in some you have to decide on personality yourself and then make sure you act it out because the game light let you switch at any given moment. In Runemaster, however, we want the personality of your character to be formed by the decisions you make throughout the game.

IP属地:湖南1楼2014-03-16 08:02回复
    Your choices have a direct impact on your quests
    Runemaster is an RPG with an element of emergent storytelling, so our goal is to have the choices you make directly impact the quests you can embark on. The game’s procedural quest system will take note of your deeds and challenge you accordingly. The way you act determines not only what type of person you are, but also what personality traits you develop and what quests you get in future. (Would you hire a bloodthirsty murderer to save a wagonload of orphans?) One of the cornerstones of every Paradox Development Studio game is replayability, and the personality traits combined with the quest system will play a huge part in making every playthrough different.

    IP属地:湖南2楼2014-03-16 08:02
      You gain traits by your choices
      Are you always giving others the version of the truth that is most beneficial to you or are you telling them what really happened? Are you helping people for nothing beyond their gratitude, or does your assistance always come with a price tag? Do you walk bravely headstrong into any challenge, or do you make sure that the odds are heavily in your favor before attempting something dangerous?
      In Runemaster, we track your choices and map them onto a scale of different attributes, where each attribute has a personality trait at its extremes. This is an idea we’ve borrowed from Crusader Kings II, where characters can gain a multitude of different traits, each of which can dramatically change the entire game experience.

      IP属地:湖南3楼2014-03-16 08:02
        The attributes and traits:
        Trustworthiness - Deceitful and Honest
        Resourcefulness - Thrifty and Wasteful
        Persuasiveness - Manipulative and Charming
        Heroicness - Craven and Brave

        IP属地:湖南5楼2014-03-16 08:02
          Traits are viewed differently by different races
          Since they are distinct cultures with distinct values, the different races in Runemaster view traits differently. As a human most people will respect you for being brave and honest, but Dark Elf society is different as being deceitful isn’t necessarily something bad. Putting your friends and family in jeopardy by telling the truth when you shouldn’t have is instead something that quickly could make you an outcast in many societies, where in others honesty is always the best policy.
          The trait system also makes it possible for you to shape the story you’re about to play. Perhaps your first game is as a craven Dwarf who spends all her coin on getting a host of Darkelves and Trolls to follow her, and then lies her way back into a Dwarf keep only to sack and plunder it. Maybe you’re playing as a thrifty and charming Troll Berserker who aims to make the current world a better place instead of gambling on the next?

          IP属地:湖南7楼2014-03-16 08:02
            So, now you have some insight in the trait system! We′ll be back to tell you more about Runemaster next week
            As a bonus, a portrait of the human berserker!

            IP属地:湖南9楼2014-03-16 08:03

              IP属地:湖南10楼2014-03-16 08:03
                大意是在游戏中随着进程,不同的选择会影响人物的性格属性,性格属性决定了人物的特质,具体为可信度 - 狡诈和诚实节制度 - 节俭和浪费说服度 - 操纵和魅力英雄度 - 懦弱和勇敢不同种族对特性的看法不同

                IP属地:湖南11楼2014-03-16 08:03