PCD:首先我们来看看维基百科是怎么说的 “The term brostep has been used by some as a slight pejorative descriptor for a style of popular Americanised dubstep. So called “dubstep purists” leveled criticism at brostep because of its preoccupation with “hard” and aggressive sounding timbres. U.S. and Canadian artists often drew inspiration from British brostep producers who tended to work less with sub-bass and more with mid-range sounds such as Caspa.” brostep这个术语作为有些许轻蔑性质的词汇被用于描述流行化的美式dubstep。因为其对于brostep的“硬”和具有倾略性的音色的偏见,这个词被叫做“dubstep纯化者”层次的对于brostep的批评。美国和加拿大的艺术家经常从英国那些偏爱中频而不是低频的brostep制作人比如Caspa身上获取灵感。 好嘞,brostep确实是dubstep下的一个子风格,但悲伤的是,我们的PCD并不知道“aggressive sounding timbres”, “mid-range sounds” 和 “Caspa”是神马意思。 接下来,
“Brostep is a relatively new sub-genre of music (born out of Dubstep micro-genre) which has no emphasis on soul. The goal appears to be to produce music as fast as you possibly can, without placing any emphasis on quality. Unlike Dubstep where sub bass is key, Brostep places more emphasis on ratty high frequency samples and oscillators that arent even low frequency. brostep相对来说是一种不注重灵魂内核的新的音乐流派(诞生于dubstep微流派之外)。它的目的似乎是尽你所能快的,不需要强调质量的制作音乐。不像dubstep的关键在于低音,brostep更强调破破烂烂的高频的样品(?)和甚至不是低频的震荡。 好吧,这实在有点残忍,你们专注的侦探也没搞懂ratty high frequency sample到底听起来是个啥样,所以这又是个败笔。