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【微澜·羽】JamieSanders ASK集中楼[2014年2月]



1楼2014-03-25 13:51回复
    ①Hey Jamie have u ever had to use anal numbing lube/cream in any of your scenes with helix? 你曾经尝试过在拍摄的时候用带麻醉效果的菊花润滑剂/霜吗?
    once I tried it a long time ago not at helix. honestly I didnt feel a difference 很久以前试过一次,不是在Helix,但是说实话,我并不觉得有什么不同。
    ②Emo guys--Hot or not? 朋克男孩性感吗?
    extremely hot 很性感
    ①Do you and Jessie have a song? 你和Jessie用一首歌来表达
    I will always love you by whitney houston
    ②Do you speak Spanish? Hablas español?你会说西班牙语吗?(后面的西班牙文为同样的意思)
    I can read and write it but I cant speak it 我可以阅读或者写出来,但我说不出来
    ③On a scale of 1 to 10, how awesome is Andy Taylor? 从第一级到第十极,Andy有多赞?
    25 hea great!!! 25!他超棒
    ④What do you do when your body is sore (in a good) way after sex 如果你爱爱完以后身体很痛的话你会做什么
    i sit in the shower and think how hot a f**k I just had was 我会坐在花洒下然后开始思考我刚刚有了一场多么火热的激烈运动(好想法!)
    ⑤Any advice for a guy who wants to do porn? 对想要从事成人事业的男孩子们有什么建议
    go for it really. just be ready to be open and experience something thing new 去做吧,准备好打开自己,然后去体验一些行的事物。
    ⑥when you do a shoot for helix do you film at a certain time of the day 你在HS拍摄的时候一般一拍就是一整天么?
    its usually all day or all night 通常是整个白天或者整个晚上(好辛苦……)

    2楼2014-03-25 13:52
      ①I hope you and Jessie can together forever.... 我希望你和杰西永远在一起
      you never know 你永远都不会知道将要发生什么
      ②Be careful moving...travel safe...Are you accepted to a dance school once you get there?路上小心,你一到那就会被学校接收吗?
      thank you and yes I will be registering 谢谢,是的,我将会注册
      ③describe your mood now! 描述一下你现在的心情
      rather stresses 压力相当大
      ④who are you Cinderella or sleeping beauty? haha... just for fun.你觉得你是灰姑娘还是睡美人?
      sleeping beauty 睡美人
      ⑤do you prefer black big cocks or white big cocks?你喜欢黑色的大丁丁还是白色的?
      white big cocks 白色的
      ⑥do u like latin dicks?你喜欢拉丁人的丁丁么?
      I love them 我爱他们(我看只要是丁丁你都爱!)
      ⑦What's your ideal Valentine's Date?你想象中的情人节约会是怎样的?
      being in chicago 去芝加哥玩
      ⑧Are you and Jessie still together? I hope so you guys are/were adorable你和杰西还在一起吗?
      yes we got back together 是的,我们复合了
      ⑨Jamie is it really true that you n Jessie broke up? if yes why you two seemed to be so perfect for eachother 你和杰西分手了这是真的吗?如果是的话为什么?你俩看起来是彼此都是对方十分完美的选择
      every relationship has their issues 每一段关系都会有他们自己的问题。
      ⑩What makes you cry? For example, Jessie and you quarrel? 什么会使你哭,比如,你和杰西吵架了?
      anything makes me cry. I cry if I run over a squirrel 任何事物都有可能会使我哭泣,比如说我跑过了一只松鼠(这小孩的思维真是)

      5楼2014-03-25 14:44