Puss in boots
Long long ago, there were 3 kids, whose father was dead.
1: I will get my father inheritance; because I am the oldest kid in this family .So I should take the half of the inheritance and the house.
2: And I will get my father’s half inheritance and the coach away.
12: You are the youngest .So we give you a pair of boots .a loaf of bread and a cat.
O: Okay. Then I will go now.
(Go away with the cat)
O: What shall I do? I have no money and no food, but a loaf of bread and a cat.
C: Mew!
O: What? Are you hungry?
C: Mew!
O: Give you half of the bread and I will eat the other half.
(Eat the bread)
C: Thank you my lord! I will help you for giving me the bread.
O: You can speak?
C: Yes, my lord .Can you give me that boots?
O: Okay.
(Come to the lake)
C: Okay my lord. Please get off your clothes and swim here.
O: What are you going to do?
C: Please trust me .My lord.
(Kira took off the clothes, the cat took it away)
1: The King is coming.
2: And the princess. Wow .She is so beautiful.
C: Your hinnies. Please wait.
K: A speaking cat. What amazing.
P: What do you want to say, little cat?
C: I’m a special cat .My lord—the prince of the city Mytown is in trouble.
P: Then we must help them, daddy.
K: Emm, a prince. Okay will go with you.
(Come to the lake)
O: Oh, I cannot find my cloth.
C: My lord, I’m coming.
K: Give him a cloth.
(Wear on the cloth)
P: He is a real prince .He just looks like a prince dad.
C: Please let my lord to stay in your castle.
K: Okay, fell days we will visit your castle.
O: Cat~what shall I do?
C: Don’t worry my lord.
(Cat went to Mytown)
F: Oh, a cat in a boots .How cute.
C: Can you land me a fever?
F: Okay. What do you want?
C: If someone asks who is the leader of this town. Then you should say ‘it’s Kira, the lord of the speaking cat. He is a great men.’
F: well, okay.
(Cat goes into the castle)
G: What do you want?
C: I just wanted to know how great you are. Because I’ve heard about a great men who can change himself to be come anything he want. And that man is you.
G: ye, true. I can change to a lion, an eagle…
C: even a mouse?
G: Of course! Pu (sound)
(The ogre change into a mouse)
C: New! (Eat the mouse)
K: Okay, here is Mytown.
P: Yea is so peaceful.
K: Let me see. (Here comes the farmer)
F: What can I do for you?
K: Tell me. Who is the leader of here?
F: Oh, it’s Kira, the lord of the speaking cat. He is a great man.
K: Oh, really .My daughter ,you must marry with him.
P: Daddy I am so happy.
O: Thank you my kitty!
C: You are welcome.
12F: They live happily ever after.