"I ran away to California for a week without telling anyone. I wanted to remove myself from everything, to see if I could work out some things in my head. But it actually created more problems. I learned it doesn't really work that way."我跑到加州带了一个礼拜,没有告诉任何人,我想让自己远离所有事,看看能不能找到一些解决事情的办法,但事实上那带来了更多的问题,我才知道,事情并不是那样的。
"How do you mean?"你的意思是
"Just that if you can't figure out your problems in your present circumstances, you're probably not going to figure them out by running away from them."就是说,如果你不能再当前的环境中解决你的问题,那就算你跑得再远,也不能解决那些事情