noun:a person who continues to look young and beautiful,even though they are growing older or behaving in an immoral way(不受年龄增长或行为不端影响)永远年轻貌美的人:he's a real Dorian Gray,apparently untouched by the ageing process.他像是不受衰老过程的影响,永远青春常驻。ORIGIN:From the story by Oscar Wilde,The Picture of Dorian Gray,in which Dorian Gray is a beautiful young man who behaves in an immoral way.He secretly keeps a painting of himself,which gradually changes,making him look older and more evil in it.Dorian himself continues to look young and beautiful.源自奥斯卡●王尔德的小说《道林●格雷的肖像》,主人公道林●格雷年轻俊美但品行不端。在他秘密收藏的肖像中,他的形象逐渐变得更加衰老与丑恶,而他本人却一直年轻俊美如昔。