Private Sub huigou()
Dim intA As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, intTmp As Integer, intPing As Long
intA = 1000
For intTmp = 1 To intA
intPing = intTmp ^ 2
If intTmp = Val(Right(intPing, Len(CStr(intTmp)))) Then '判断回购数
Debug.Print intTmp
End If
intPing = 0
End Sub
Dim intA As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, intTmp As Integer, intPing As Long
intA = 1000
For intTmp = 1 To intA
intPing = intTmp ^ 2
If intTmp = Val(Right(intPing, Len(CStr(intTmp)))) Then '判断回购数
Debug.Print intTmp
End If
intPing = 0
End Sub