Dear Sirs,
Star TextileExports,established in 1988,is one of the fastestgrowing export companies in China. We currently work with a number of majorEuropean importers, such as Blue Bird Mail Order of UK and others.
We are happyto announce that we are now offering this same service to American importcompanies like yours. From our office in Shanghai, the heart of low cost andgood quality ready—to—wear garments, we can supply your company with whateverkind of apparel you would like.
The widerange of Chinese manufacturers that we work with insure you of getting just theitems that you are looking for. Whether it be baby wear, children’s wear,ladies and men’s outer and underwear, leather wear, socks,belts,bags, shoes, orhousehold items such as bed linen,towels,bathrobes, or table clothes we can make sure that you get the quantity you needat the best possible price. And our staff of quality controllers insure thatthe garments are well made.
If you wouldlike to take advantage of the services that Star Textile Export has to offeryour company, please go to our web site at www. startextile. com , or contactus by fax at 008621-5555-8888.
Thank you.We look forward to hearing from you.
我们与各类制作厂家有广泛的联系,足以为您找到您所要的产品,包括婴儿服装、男女外套或内衣、皮衣、袜子、皮带、包、鞋子等,以 及家居产品如床单、毛巾、浴衣、桌布等,并且保证您所要的数量并争 取到最好的价格。我们的质量管理专员可以监督和确保产品按质生产,如果您有意星际纺织出口所提供的优异服务,请看我们的网站 www. startextile. com,或以传真联系 008621-5555-8888。
Star TextileExports,established in 1988,is one of the fastestgrowing export companies in China. We currently work with a number of majorEuropean importers, such as Blue Bird Mail Order of UK and others.
We are happyto announce that we are now offering this same service to American importcompanies like yours. From our office in Shanghai, the heart of low cost andgood quality ready—to—wear garments, we can supply your company with whateverkind of apparel you would like.
The widerange of Chinese manufacturers that we work with insure you of getting just theitems that you are looking for. Whether it be baby wear, children’s wear,ladies and men’s outer and underwear, leather wear, socks,belts,bags, shoes, orhousehold items such as bed linen,towels,bathrobes, or table clothes we can make sure that you get the quantity you needat the best possible price. And our staff of quality controllers insure thatthe garments are well made.
If you wouldlike to take advantage of the services that Star Textile Export has to offeryour company, please go to our web site at www. startextile. com , or contactus by fax at 008621-5555-8888.
Thank you.We look forward to hearing from you.
我们与各类制作厂家有广泛的联系,足以为您找到您所要的产品,包括婴儿服装、男女外套或内衣、皮衣、袜子、皮带、包、鞋子等,以 及家居产品如床单、毛巾、浴衣、桌布等,并且保证您所要的数量并争 取到最好的价格。我们的质量管理专员可以监督和确保产品按质生产,如果您有意星际纺织出口所提供的优异服务,请看我们的网站 www. startextile. com,或以传真联系 008621-5555-8888。