整体来说,not faithful to source text。很多细节没有考虑到,尤其是多数副词都被省略了。有两种译者,一种是完全隐形的,在译文中完全看不到他的存在,忠实地翻译每一句话每一个词,就算是原作者的错误也会如实的反映出来。第二种译者,更多的是对st做copywriting,鼎鼎大名的林纾就是这种了。也不存在好坏之分,端看译者的选择了。
The moment I got off the bus, theglow of sunset beamed upon me as a blob ofwarm orange dyed the tips of the towers and chapels in the horizonthe same color, so bright that I almost had to cover my eyes. Edit: 1. as …dyedthe tips of ..the same color → in the horizon ≠远处 对于原句的理解有一点偏差。Back translation:温暖的橘色光束把地平线处的塔尖和礼堂染成了和它一样的颜色。 而原句是‘远处高耸的塔楼顶尖和礼堂落满温暖圣洁的橘黄色’。 Suggested translation: with the tips of the towers and the chapels in the distance dyed/covered with the warm and saintly orange. 2. 用手指 is missing. Under the lofty sky, the world wastranquil and peaceful. Edit: 1. Lofty →floating cloud浮云 2. 美好 is missing. Tranquil andpeaceful both refer to 宁静 3. 显得 ≠ was suggestedtranslation: seemed to be Holding an introduction letter, I found 72 Pigeon street with some effort. Edit: 1. Effort → uncountable orcountable? If countable, you should add ‘s’; if uncountable, you should not usesome to modify it. 2. introduction letter →letter of introduction 3. street→ in upper case The landlord lady, an admirableold English ma’am, was a friend of my aunt. Edit: 1. 伦敦 and 单身 are missing 2. ma’am → short formadam, typically used as title. 3. Admirable 令人钦佩的≠和善 In front of her two story redbrick house was a little garden, planted with Irish broom-tops, and white picketfences that hung a small wooden milk box. Edit: 1. story →US English; maybe use storey(British En) here 2. add a hyphen between two and storey; otherwise, use plural form: two storeys 3. ‘and white picket fences that…’ → 白色栅栏围成的应该做小花园modifier, 而不是和garden形成用and连接的并列结构。 4. hung a small wooden milk box→ fences were hung with a box; or a milk box hung on the fences
I studied math in Cambridge, and my grades weren’t bad. My uncle once said that I know nothing but math. However, after I met Andemund, I realized that I actually know nothing at all. 时态,know→knew 帮你捉捉语法问题好了,其他的你随意来吧
I stayed in this house for five years. Met Andemund the second year →typo? change period into comma. otherwise there is no subject for the sentence 'met andemund'