消费税吧 关注:43贴子:75
  • 0回复贴,共1



Business tax 营业税
Operation tax 营业税
Enterprise income tax 企业所得税
Individual income tax 个人所得税
Value added tax (VAT) 增值税
Stamp tax 印花税
Tax for maintaining and building cities 城市维护建设税
construction tax 城建税
(local) education supplementary tax 教育费附加,地方教育费附加
profit tax 利得税
Consumption tax 消费税
Resources tax 资源税
Increment tax on land value 土地增值税
Levy of channel works building and maintenance fees 河道工程修建维护管理费
Housing property tax 房产税
Tariff 关税

IP属地:河北1楼2014-04-23 18:03回复