金隅是冠军吧 关注:490贴子:14,476
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Iwas too basically in accomplishment and achievement of working so hard to getto the NBA to put myself in the condition. While I was be able to financiallytake care of my family’s help. Being able to play basketball means that beingable to do the things we love. Not only to do something we love, but also giveus the opportunity to travel all over the country as well the world. When facethe tough time, you really need to find out who you are and face those toughtime. Though (I was) in tough time Inever allowed myself to give in. I had a lot of challenges, which force me tothink, force me to not only to think, but do I was thinking. You know I amtrying to get myself into positive life to move forward. I think it’s morespecially playing here in China to win the championship because for me to beable to come here and not know how to speak the language, to learn theterminology of basketball and the way how they playbasketball is a great challenge than play in the NBA. And my age, people tellme I can’t play in this age. I want to continue to have the sprit. All of thesethings are just fuels, the fuel that keeps you moving. Basically it seems likeyou are born to do, like you are put on the earth to play basketball. I neverlose my faith and I never lose my confidence. That’s it. That’s it works. 我是马布里。 That is my story.

1楼2014-04-25 07:49回复
    @ StephonMarbury @马布里
    Iwas too basically in accomplishment and achievement of working so hard to getto the NBA to put myself in the condition. While I was be able to financiallytake care of my family’s help. Being able to play basketball means that beingable to do the things we love. Not only to do something we love, but also giveus the opportunity to travel all over the country as well the world. When facethe tough time, you really need to find out who you are and face those toughtime. Though (I was) in tough time Inever allowed myself to give in. I had a lot of challenges, which force me tothink, force me to not only to think, but do I was thinking. You know I amtrying to get myself into positive life to move forward. I think it’s morespecially playing here in China to win the championship because for me to beable to come here and not know how to speak the language, to learn theterminology of basketball and the way how they playbasketball is a great challenge than play in the NBA. And my age, people tellme I can’t play in this age. I want to continue to have the sprit. All of thesethings are just fuels, the fuel that keeps you moving. Basically it seems likeyou are born to do, like you are put on the earth to play basketball. I neverlose my faith and I never lose my confidence. That’s it. That’s it works. 我是马布里。 That is my story.

    2楼2014-04-25 07:50

      IP属地:北京3楼2014-09-05 22:41